Summarizing and measuring development activity

  title={Summarizing and measuring development activity},
  author={Christoph Treude and Fernando Marques Figueira Filho and Uir{\'a} Kulesza},
  journal={Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering},
It is found that unexpected events are as important as expected events in summaries of what a developer did, and that many developers do not believe in measuring development activity.

Figures and Tables from this paper

How Team Awareness Influences Perceptions of Developer Productivity

It is suggested that awareness tools should categorize the events in a software project according to whether they are expected or unexpected, and use natural language processing to provide meaningful summaries rather than numbers and graphs which are likely to be misinterpreted as productivity measures.

The Work Life of Developers: Activities, Switches and Perceived Productivity

A monitoring application was deployed at 20 computers of professional software developers from four companies for an average of 11 full work day in situ and found that developers spend their time on a wide variety of activities and switch regularly between them, resulting in highly fragmented work.

Towards a theory of software development expertise

The theory describes important properties of software development expertise and which factors foster or hinder its formation, including how developers' performance may decline over time, and shows that developers' expertise self-assessment are context-dependent and that experience is not necessarily related to expertise.

Metrics to quantify software developer experience: a systematic mapping

This systematic mapping presents a catalog of metrics that have been used to quantify developers' experience, found in 34 works, and showed that most of the selected studies use metrics based on counting developer activities in code.

Automatic identification and description of software developers tasks

Two novel approaches are introduced that capture the contents of a developer’s active window at regular intervals to create vector and visual representations of the work in a particular time interval and automatically detects the times at which developers switch tasks.

Reusing software engineering knowledge from developer communication

This work proposes exploring whether developer communication (via instant messaging) is a suitable source of reusable software engineering knowledge and investigating how to identify that knowledge using data mining and analysing through action research how to present it to developers in a useful way for reuse.

UEDashboard: awareness of unusual events in commit histories

The preliminary evaluation with a team of professional software developers showed that the conceptualization of unusual correlates with developers' perceptions of task difficulty, and that UEDashboard could be useful in supporting development meetings and for pre-commit warnings.

Assessing developer contribution with repository mining-based metrics

In a preliminary evaluation with four software development teams, it was found that code contribution and code complexity metrics received the most positive feedback, while participants pointed out several threats of using bug-related metrics for contribution assessment.

People Analytics in Software Development

An introduction to existing work in this field is provided and an outline of where it could be headed is outlined to make People Analytics — using data to show and improve how people collaborate — more accessible and more important for software developers.

Summarizing software artifacts: a case study of bug reports

It is found that existing conversation-based generators can produce better results than random generators and that a generator trained specifically on bug reports can perform statistically better than existing conversationThe generation of summaries for bug reports is considered.

People, organizations, and process improvement

The authors report on two experiments to discover how developers spend their time and describe how noncoding activities can use up development time and how even a reluctance to use e-mail can influence the development process.

Unifying artifacts and activities in a visual tool for distributed software development teams

Augur, a visualization tool that supports distributed software development processes, creates visual representations of both software artifacts and software development activities, and, crucially, allows developers to explore the relationship between them.

Information needs for software development analytics

The data and analysis needs of professional software engineers are presented, which were identified among 110 developers and managers in a survey, and several guidelines for analytics tools in software development are proposed.

Software developers' perceptions of productivity

It is found that developers perceive their days as productive when they complete many or big tasks without significant interruptions or context switches, and such apparent contradictions in the findings are analyzed to propose ways to better support software developers in a retrospection and improvement of their productivity.

Socio-technical congruence: a framework for assessing the impact of technical and work dependencies on software development productivity

This paper argues that modularization, the traditional technique intended to reduce interdependencies among components of a system, has serious limitations in the context of software development and builds on the idea of congruence, proposed in prior work, to examine the relationship between the structure of technical and work dependencies.

UEDashboard: awareness of unusual events in commit histories

The preliminary evaluation with a team of professional software developers showed that the conceptualization of unusual correlates with developers' perceptions of task difficulty, and that UEDashboard could be useful in supporting development meetings and for pre-commit warnings.

Awareness 2.0: staying aware of projects, developers and tasks using dashboards and feeds

This paper explores how the combination of highly configurable project, team and contributor dashboards along with individual event feeds is used to accomplish extensive awareness in critical project phases and how they stir competition while feeds are used for short term planning.

Group awareness in distributed software development

This paper interviewed developers, read project communication, and looked at project artifacts from three successful open source projects to find that distributed developers do need to maintain awareness of one another, and that they maintain both a general awareness of the entire team and more detailed knowledge of people that they plan to work with.

Automatic generation of natural language summaries for Java classes

This paper presents a technique to automatically generate human readable summaries for Java classes, assuming no documentation exists, and determines that they are readable and understandable, they do not include extraneous information, and, in most cases, they are not missing essential information.