Supporting table partitioning by reference in oracle

  title={Supporting table partitioning by reference in oracle},
  author={George Eadon and Eugene Inseok Chong and Shrikanth Shankar and Ananth Raghavan and Jagannathan Srinivasan and Souripriya Das},
  booktitle={SIGMOD Conference},
A new partitioning method (partition by reference) is proposed that allows tables with a parent-child relationship to be logically equi-partitioned by inheriting the partition key from the parent table without duplicating the key columns.

Dimension table driven approach to referential partition relational data warehouses

The complexity of the problem of selecting dimension table(s) used to partition a fact table is studied and strategies to perform their selection are presented.

Referential Partitioning Becomes a Reality : Deep Analysis and Selection Strategies

This paper shows the complexity of choosing dimension table(s) to referential partition a fact table, and presents three strategies for selecting them, and conducts intensive experimental studies to validate the proposal.

ASAWA: An Automatic Partition Key Selection Strategy

This work presents an automatic partition key selection strategy called ASAWA, which chooses partition keys according to the analysis on both dataset and workload schemas and suggests that intimate tuples, i.e. co-appearing in queries frequently, would be probably put into the same partition.

Primary and Referential Horizontal Partitioning Selection Problems: Concepts, Algorithms and Advisor Tool

This paper presents ParAdmin, an advisor tool assisting administrators to use primary and referential partitioning during the physical design of their data warehouses, and develops two algorithms: hill climbing and simulated annealing with several variants to select a near optimal partitioning schema.

Locality-aware Partitioning in Parallel Database Systems

This paper presents a novel partitioning scheme called predicate-based reference partition (or PREF) that allows to co-partition sets of tables based on given join predicates that helps to effectively reduce the runtime of queries under a given workload when compared to existing partitioning approaches.

Active rule base development for dynamic vertical partitioning of multimedia databases

A set of active rules to perform dynamic vertical partitioning in multimedia databases that are implemented in the system DYMOND, which is an active rule-based system for dynamic Vertical partitioning of multimedia databases.

Grep: A Graph Learning Based Database Partitioning System

A practical learned database partitioning system that adopts a graph model to encode data and query features, and proposes a key-selection model to select appropriate partitioning keys based on the graph model and an evaluation model to estimate the partitioning performance without actually partitioning the database.

Towards Multi-way Join Evaluating with Indexing Partition Support in Map-Reduce

A one-pass multi-way join algorithm along with its optimization implementations for the major Map-Reduce stages are designed and an empirically study with TPCH benchmark on different scales of clusters, and experimentally verify the high efficiency of the proposed optimization model.

Data Partitioning in Data Warehouses: Hardness Study, Heuristics and ORACLE Validation

A hill climbing algorithm is developed to select an optimal partitioning schema of a relational data warehouse due to its high complexity and extensive experimental studies are conducted to compare the proposed algorithm with the existing ones using a mathematical cost model.

Integrating vertical and horizontal partitioning into automated physical database design

This paper presents novel techniques for designing a scalable solution to this integrated physical design problem that takes both performance and manageability into account and implements it on Microsoft SQL Server.

Partitioning a relational database horizontally using a knowledge-based approach

The user reference clusters of a database which can be used vertically during a relational database horizontally during a dlstrlbuted database design and the knowledge about the data, the user queries are converted to eqmvalent queries by a proposed mference procedure.

C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS

Preliminary performance data on a subset of TPC-H is presented and it is shown that the system the team is building, C-Store, is substantially faster than popular commercial products.

Horizontal data partitioning in database design

The concepts which are required for the determination of relevant portions of data are defined and a methodology for determining the access parameters is proposed and the formulation of the general partitioning problem in 3 specific application environments is shown.

Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning

The results show that a vertical partitioned schema achieves similar performance to the property table technique while being much simpler to design, and if a column-oriented DBMS is used instead of a row-oriented database, another order of magnitude performance improvement is observed, with query times dropping from minutes to several seconds.

Vertical partitioning for database design: a graphical algorithm

This paper proposes a new vertical partitioning algorithm which starts from the attribute affinity matrix by considering it as a complete graph and generates all meaningful fragments simultaneously by considering a cycle as a fragment.

Information lifecycle management: the EMC perspective

Information lifecycle management (ILM) is a business-centric strategy for proactive management of information throughout its life, from its creation and use to its ultimate disposal.

Information life cycle management

A new framework, created to enhance information life cycle management by clarifying the relationship between value-at-risk and total cost of ownership, helps IT managers build a winning storage