The Sabre Narrative Planner: Multi-Agent Coordination with Intentions and Beliefs

  title={The Sabre Narrative Planner: Multi-Agent Coordination with Intentions and Beliefs},
  author={Stephen G. Ware and Cory Siler},
  booktitle={Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
This work describes Sabre, a single, centralized, omniscient decision maker that solves a multi-agent problem, and its motivation for solving such problems and the difficulties of comparing the authors' planner to existing systems.

An Agent Framework for Manipulation Games

A model for an ”agent mind” that can cater for all aspects through revisable, prioritized belief bases; goal recognition including epistemic situations; or planning including speech acts with structured content is proposed.

TattleTale: Storytelling with Planning and Large Language Models

The use of a planning model that provides scaffolding to an LLM so that its language generation is context-dependent in order to create more coherent and believable stories in a variety of domains is demonstrated.

Evolutionary Story Sifting over the Log of a Social Simulation

This paper proposes a two stage approach that combines a process of matching small strings of events connected by common sense relations such as asking someone on a date and having them accept, or developing an attachment to someone who has given us a present and an evolutionary search procedure that explores combinations of this type of paired events.

The Tomato Festival: Towards using ChatGPT for Long-Form Discourse Generation of Plan-Based Narratives?

It is shown that the text produced by OpenAI’s ChatGPT is not comparable to human-written text in terms of grammatical complexity, which is one possible reason for it not being very enjoyable to read.

Towards an Understanding of Character Believability

This paper examines the different research areas that cluster under realism and character believability, and then performs a deeper exploration of character belieVability, focusing on characteristics, examples, and evaluation methodologies.

Glaive: A State-Space Narrative Planner Supporting Intentionality and Conflict

Glaive is a state-space planner based on Hoffmann and Nebel's Fast-Forward which solves the narrative planning problem defined by Riedl and Young — to construct a plan which achieves the author's

Efficient intent-based narrative generation using multiple planning agents

This work replaces single intentional planners with multiple agents representing the characters of a narrative, which can reason about the relevance of narrative actions given their individual intents, using a state-based forward search procedure that results in a significantly smaller search space.

Epistemic planning for single- and multi-agent systems

A type of planning domain called epistemic planning domains is defined, a generalisation of classical planning domains, and it is shown how Epistemic planning can successfully deal with partial observability, nondeterminism, knowledge and multiple agents.

Incorporating Global and Local Knowledge in Intentional Narrative Planning

Intent-based planning with belief modelling is able to generate narratives beyond the reach of planners that have complete knowledge; and also efficiently produce objectively higher quality narratives than those generated by evaluation of only local character knowledge and beliefs.

Using Domain Compilation to Add Belief to Narrative Planners

Using domain compilation, a narrative planning system is presented that is capable of creating narrative plans that use both character intention and character beliefs in PDDL domains and allows characters to fail at actions when their beliefs about the world differ from the actual world state.

Extending Graphplan to Handle Uncertainty & Sensing Actions

SGP is described, a de-scendant of Graphplan that solves contingent planning problems and distinguishes between actions that sense the value of an unknown proposition from those that change its value.

Combining Intentionality and Belief: Revisiting Believable Character Plans

It is demonstrated that players not only find it believable when NPCs anticipate their actions, but sometimes actively anticipate the actions of NPCs in a way that is consistent with the model’s approach to representing anticipation.

A Possible Worlds Model of Belief for State-Space Narrative Planning

An extension that models character beliefs as epistemically possible worlds and describes how such a space is generated is presented and the results of an experiment are presented that demonstrates that the model meets the expectations of a human audience.

Distributed Problem Solving and Planning

This paper characterize the variations of distributed problem solving and distributed planning, and summarize some of the basic techniques that have been developed to date.