The effect of reflexology on baroreceptor reflex sensitivity, blood pressure and sinus arrhythmia
@article{Frankel1997TheEO, title={The effect of reflexology on baroreceptor reflex sensitivity, blood pressure and sinus arrhythmia}, author={Bsm Frankel}, journal={Complementary Therapies in Medicine}, year={1997}, volume={5}, pages={80-84}, url={} }
40 Citations
Cardiovascular effects of reflexology in healthy individuals: evidence for a specific increase in blood pressure
- 2012
Results suggest that reflexology is associated with a co-activation of both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous System and could be helpful in optimizing homeostatic activity, promoting the healing process and increasing the human organism’s capacity to respond adaptively to internal and external challenges.
The effect of reflexology on the autonomic nervous system in healthy adults: a feasibility study.
- 2011
This study demonstrated the feasibility of conducting an experimental study on the effect of reflexology in stress using BP as the primary outcome measure and found no significant differences between reflexology and control groups.
Foot reflexology can increase vagal modulation, decrease sympathetic modulation, and lower blood pressure in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease.
- 2011
FR may be used as an efficient adjunct to the therapeutic regimen to increase the vagal modulation and decrease blood pressure in both healthy people and CAD patients.
exology has an acute ( immediate ) haemodynamic effect in healthy volunteers : A double-blind randomised controlled trial
- 2012
Reflexology massage applied to the upper part of the left foot may have a modest specific effect on the cardiac index of healthy volunteers.
Is there a specific hemodynamic effect in reflexology? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
- 2013
Although reflexology has been shown to have an effect on selected hemodynamic variables, the lack of methodological control for nonspecific general massage effects means that there is little convincing evidence at this time to suggest the existence of a specific treatment-related hemodynamic effect.
Effect of ‘foot massage and reflexology’ on physiological parameters of critically ill patients
- 2012
There was significant decrease in the systolicBlood pressure, increase in diastolic blood pressure, reduction in the heart rate and improvement in the oxygen saturation in some interventional observations after the intervention, but no statistically significant difference was found on the abnormal category of the blood pressure and heart rate.
An investigation into the efficacy of reflexology on acute pain in healthy human subjects
- 2011
Reflexology, one of the many complementary medicine modalities available, may be a suitable adjunct to pain management by helping to reduce the number of medications and associated side-effects from continued drug use.
14 References
Baroreceptor Reflex Sensitivity Index Derived from Phase 4 of the Valsalva Maneuver
- 1981
It is concluded that during the initial beats following the release of the VM there is a total inhibition of the baroreceptor reflex; and that following this brief inhibition period it is possible to measure the BRSI without use of a pressor amine such as phenylepbrine.
Can sinoaortic baroreceptor heart rate reflex sensitivity be determined from phase IV of the Valsalva manoeuvre?
- 1987
Reflex sensitivity results obtained using phase IV of Valsalva's manoeuvre are proportionately related to phenylephrine results, but large errors were introduced into the absolute values obtained when relatively small changes were made to the method of analysis.
Comparison of Techniques for Measuring Baroreflex Sensitivity in Man
- 1982
It is demonstrated that barore Flex sensitivity varies widely among subjects and that different techniques for measuring baroreflex sensitivity probably measure different aspects of barore flexors, indicating important interindividual variability as well.
Reflex Regulation of Arterial Pressure during Sleep in Man: A Quantitative Method of Assessing Baroreflex Sensitivity
- 1969
It is concluded that the baroreceptor reflex are can be rapidly reset, particularly during sleep, and the lower arterial pressures during sleep may be actively maintained in some subjects by increased baroreflex sensitivity.
Interactions between ANG II, sympathetic nervous system, and baroreceptor reflexes in regulation of blood pressure.
- 1992
Most evidence indicates that the actions of ANG to enhance sympathetic activity do not contribute significantly to the pressor response to exogenous ANG II, but there is considerable evidence that theactions of endogenous ANG II on the sympathetic nervous system enhance the cardiovascular responses elicited by activation of the sympathetic nerve endings.
The effect of mental arithmetic on blood pressure variability and baroreflex sensitivity in man.
- 1978
It is suggested that in man, as well as animals, the defence of alerting reaction depresses baroreflex control and thus contributes to the rise in blood pressure seen at this time.
Differences in age-independent effects of blood pressure on baroreflex sensitivity between normal and hypertensive subjects.
- 1986
Baroreflex function appears to be more sensitive to age-related changes in this system than to those related to blood pressure level, particularly in non-hypertensive normal subjects.
The effect of therapeutic massage on H-reflex amplitude in persons with a spinal cord injury.
- 1994
The results recorded in study 1 are comparable to those obtained with the subjects in the prone position, and the supine position was adopted as the testing position for study 2, which showed a decrease in H-reflex amplitude concomitant with massage in persons with SCI.