Theoretical Analysis of a Performance Measure for Imbalanced Data
@article{Garca2010TheoreticalAO, title={Theoretical Analysis of a Performance Measure for Imbalanced Data}, author={Vicente Garc{\'i}a and Ram{\'o}n Alberto Mollineda and Jos{\'e} Salvador S{\'a}nchez}, journal={2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition}, year={2010}, pages={617-620}, url={} }
This paper analyzes a generalization of a new metric to evaluate the classification performance in imbalanced domains, combining some estimate of the overall accuracy with a plain index about how…
56 Citations
On the Suitability of Numerical Performance Measures for Class Imbalance Problems
- 2012
Computer Science, Mathematics
This work analyzes the behaviour of performance measures widely used on imbalanced problems, as well as other metrics recently proposed in the literature, to show the strengths and weaknesses of those performance metrics in the presence of skewed distributions.
Assessments Metrics for Multi-class Imbalance Learning: A Preliminary Study
- 2013
Computer Science, Mathematics
This work has used five strategies to deal with the class imbalance problem over five real multi-class datasets on neural networks context to determine if the results of global metrics match with the improved classifier performance over the minority classes.
A bias correction function for classification performance assessment in two-class imbalanced problems
- 2014
Computer Science
On the effectiveness of preprocessing methods when dealing with different levels of class imbalance
- 2012
Computer Science
An insight into classification with imbalanced data: Empirical results and current trends on using data intrinsic characteristics
- 2013
Computer Science
Recall and Selectivity Normalized in Class Labels as a Classification Performance Metric
- 2023
Computer Science
This study introduces a new classification performance metric based on the harmonic mean of recall and selectivity normalized in class labels that is significantly less sensitive to changes in the majority class and more sensitive to changes in the minority class.
F-measure curves: A tool to visualize classifier performance under imbalance
- 2020
Computer Science
A novel weighted TPR-TNR measure to assess performance of the classifiers
- 2020
Computer Science
Dealing with the evaluation of supervised classification algorithms
- 2015
Computer Science, Mathematics
The overall evaluation process of supervised classification algorithms is put in perspective to lead the reader to a deep understanding of it and different recommendations about their use and limitations are presented.
F-Measure Curves for Visualizing Classifier Performance with Imbalanced Data
- 2018
Computer Science
A global evaluation space for the scalar F-measure metric that is analogous to the cost curves for expected cost is proposed, where a classifier is represented as a curve that shows its performance over all of its decision thresholds and a range of imbalance levels for the desired preference of true positive rate to precision.
10 References
Index of Balanced Accuracy: A Performance Measure for Skewed Class Distributions
- 2009
Computer Science, Mathematics
A new metric, named Index of Balanced Accuracy, is introduced, for evaluating learning processes in two-class imbalanced domains, which combines an unbiased index of its overall accuracy and a measure about how dominant is the class with the highest individual accuracy rate.
Classification of Imbalanced Data: a Review
- 2009
Computer Science, Mathematics
This paper provides a review of the classification of imbalanced data regarding the application domains, the nature of the problem, the learning difficulties with standard classifier learning algorithms; the learning objectives and evaluation measures; the reported research solutions; and the class imbalance problem in the presence of multiple classes.
Optimized Precision - A New Measure for Classifier Performance Evaluation
- 2006
Computer Science
It is demonstrated that the use of Precision (P) for performance evaluation of imbalanced data sets could lead the solution towards sub-optimal answers, and a novel performance heuristic is presented, the 'Optimized Precision (OP), to negate these detrimental effects.
The class imbalance problem: A systematic study
- 2002
Computer Science, Mathematics
The assumption that the class imbalance problem does not only affect decision tree systems but also affects other classification systems such as Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines is investigated.
An experimental comparison of performance measures for classification
- 2009
Computer Science
Addressing the Curse of Imbalanced Training Sets: One-Sided Selection
- 1997
Computer Science
Criteria to evaluate the utility of classi(cid:12)ers induced from such imbalanced training sets is discussed, explanation of the poor behavior of some learners under these circumstances is given, and a simple technique called one-sided selection of examples is suggested.
- 2006
Computer Science
This study concludes to a framework that provides the ‘best’ classifiers, identifies the performance measures that should be used as the decision criterion, and suggests the “best” class distribution based on the value of the relative gain from correct classification in the positive class.
Assessing Invariance Properties of Evaluation Measures
- 2006
Computer Science, Mathematics
This work considers the effect of transformations of the confusion matrix on ten well-known and recently introduced classification measures and analyzes the measure’s ability to retain its value under changes in a confusion matrix.
Constructing New and Better Evaluation Measures for Machine Learning
- 2007
Computer Science
A general approach to construct new measures based on the existing measures is proposed, and it is proved that the new measures are consistent with, and finer than, the existing ones.
The use of the area under the ROC curve in the evaluation of machine learning algorithms
- 1997
Computer Science, Medicine