Towards robust SVM training from weakly labeled large data sets

  title={Towards robust SVM training from weakly labeled large data sets},
  author={Michal Kawulok and Jakub Nalepa},
  journal={2015 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR)},
This paper proposes a new memetic algorithm that evolves samples and labels to select a training set for support vector machines from large, weakly-labeled sets and outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms.

Figures and Tables from this paper

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Randomized Sampling for Large Data Applications of SVM

The method is faster than and comparably accurate to both the original SVM algorithm it is based on and the Cascade SVM, the leading data organization approach for SVMs in the literature.

Making large scale SVM learning practical

This chapter presents algorithmic and computational results developed for SVM light V 2.0, which make large-scale SVM training more practical and give guidelines for the application of SVMs to large domains.

Learning from ambiguously labeled images

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A Random Sampling Technique for Training Support Vector Machines

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Support Vector Machines Training Data Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm

This paper presents a new method for selecting valuable training data for support vector machines from large, noisy sets using a genetic algorithm (GA) and presents extensive experimental results which confirm that the new method is highly effective for real-world data.

Variant Methods of Reduced Set Selection for Reduced Support Vector Machines

CRSVM that builds the model of RSVM via RBF (Gaussian kernel) construction and Systematic Sampling RSVM that incrementally selects the informative data points to form the reduced set while the RSVM used random selection scheme are introduced.