Trident: A Hybrid Correlation-Collision GPU Cache Timing Attack for AES Key Recovery
@article{Ahn2021TridentAH, title={Trident: A Hybrid Correlation-Collision GPU Cache Timing Attack for AES Key Recovery}, author={Jaeguk Ahn and Cheol Shin Jin and Jiho Kim and Minsoo Rhu and Yunsi Fei and David R. Kaeli and John Kim}, journal={2021 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}, year={2021}, pages={332-344}, url={} }
This work shows that previously proposed correlation-based side-channel attacks are not feasible on modern GPUs that support narrower data-cache accesses via a sectored-cache microarchitecture, and proposes Trident - a hybrid cache-collision timing attack on GPUs that can fully recover all AES key bytes on modern GPU.
Figures and Tables from this paper
Graphics Processing Units (opens in a new tab)Trident (opens in a new tab)Advanced Encryption Standard (opens in a new tab)Chosen Plaintext Attack (opens in a new tab)Cryptographic Systems (opens in a new tab)Memory Accesses (opens in a new tab)Cache Hierarchy (opens in a new tab)Memory Hierarchy (opens in a new tab)Caching (opens in a new tab)Key Recovery (opens in a new tab)
15 Citations
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Spy in the GPU-box: Covert and Side Channel Attacks on Multi-GPU Systems
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Generic and Automated Drive-by GPU Cache Attacks from the Browser
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Ghost Arbitration: Mitigating Interconnect Side-Channel Timing Attacks in GPU
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Computer Science, Engineering
This work proposes to randomize the coalescing logic such that the attacker finds it hard to guess the correct number of coalesced accesses generated, and finds that the combination of these security mechanisms offers 24- to 961-times improvement in the security against the correlation timing attacks with 5 to 28% performance degradation.
Side-channel Timing Attack of RSA on a GPU
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Computer Science, Engineering
A timing model is built to capture the parallel characteristics of an RSA public-key cipher implemented on a GPU, and successful timing attacks are launched, demonstrating that GPU acceleration of RSA is vulnerable to side-channel timing attacks.
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Computer Science
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Rendered Insecure: GPU Side Channel Attacks are Practical
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Computer Science
The paper shows that an OpenGL based spy can fingerprint websites accurately, track user activities within the website, and even infer the keystroke timings for a password text box with high accuracy, and suggests mitigations based on limiting the rate of the calls, or limiting the granularity of the returned information.
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Computer Science, Engineering
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