Helen Mann

Helen Mann MA, BA (Hons), PGCE, SFHEA

Senior Lecturer


I teach across several Sport courses but particularly BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching and BA (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching. My main areas of interest include coaching (particularly children and adolescents), coach education, physical literacy across the lifecycle and pedagogical practice. I have spent many years working in the Sports industry within Local Authorities, National Governing Bodies of Sport and the national organisation UK Coaching, bringing experience of engaging with diverse populations from school, community and elite sport environments.


I mainly teach modules that involve practical coaching as I believe in the power of applied learning!
All my modules involve engagement with industry to ensure a positive and meaningful experience for both students and our collaborative, industry partners.

I co-authored the Level 2 multi-skill qualification in Sport and embed this in to my teaching.

I hold an undergraduate BA (Hons) Sport & Recreation Management Degree, a Masters in Education and a Post Graduate Certificate in HE teaching. I have coaching qualifications in various sports (hockey and football) and have previously been an accredited NGB Coach Education tutor. I am also a Senior Fellow (Higher Education Academy). I currently fulfil External Examiner roles for sport courses at Buckinghamshire New University and The University of Cumbria and have validated numerous degrees for other HE institutes.

Sport and physical activity is in my DNA, I am a huge fan of the outdoors and have summited several big mountains across the world and completed many ultramarathons. I am incredibly passionate about ensuring all students are inspired to achieve their potential whatever career they wish to pursue.

Current areas of interest include physical literacy of young people and the multi skills environment. I also manage the international 'UK Sport IDEALS programme' which involves student placement opportunities in Tanzania.


School of Sport and Physical Activity

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences


Gamechangers: A project based around recruiting more female students (and those who identify as female) in to sport courses and increasing confidence and leadership skills. Nationally females are under-represented in many sport courses across the sector and we are taking steps to address this.

Subject area

  • Sport Coaching & Physical Education
  • Sport Development with Coaching & Sport Management

Courses taught

  • BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching
  • BA (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching
  • BSc (Hons) Physical Education & School Sport

Modules taught

  • Foundations of Sport & Physical Activity
  • Physical Literacy in Context
  • Innovative Pedagogical Practice
  • Introduction to Sport Development
  • Independent Project in Sport & Physical Activity


Other activities

Previous External Examiner at Liverpool John Moores University, Chichester University, University of Central Lancashire and currently Buckinghamshire New University (2021-2025) for various sport related programmes.



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