Katie McCallum

Katie McCallum FHEA, PGC, BA (Hons)

Senior Lecturer in Operating Department Practice, Course Leader for DA (BSc) Operating Department Practice


I qualified as an Operating Department Practitioner in 2011 and I joined the teaching team at Sheffield Hallam University in 2017.

I teach across multiple modules with my areas of interest being Emergency and Complex Care, Resuscitation, Colorectal Cancer, and the Psychology of Patients undergoing Diagnosis and Surgical Intervention.



I completed my DipHE in Operating Department Practice in 2011 and commenced working as an ODP in a variety of specialities including Vascular, Colorectal, Urology, ENT, Trauma and Paediatrics. I have a keen interest in Surgical Oncology, Emergency Anaesthesia, Complex Care and Leadership in Practice.

I have practiced within both the NHS and the Private Sector as an ODP whilst completing at Top Up Degree. In 2015 I completed a BA (Hons) in Health and Social Care Practice and later commenced a role as Clinical Educator in 2016, working to develop Trainee Assistant Practitioners as part of a regional project in South Yorkshire.

I joined SHU in 2017 as a Lecturer and Assessment Lead for ODP, completing Fellowship to the Higher Education Academy alongside a PCG in Learning and Teaching in HE in 2018.

I am an Immediate Life Support Instructor for the Resuscitation Council (UK) and continue to engage with clinical skills development locally as part of the regional clinical skills network.

Aside from my teaching activities I participate in assessment activities as an External Examiner for another Higher Education Institute.

I became a Senior Lecturer in September 2020 and a Course Leader in October 2022. 

I have since continued to further my education in the psychology of cancer care, completing research in:
Prehabilitation and Optimisation of Patients Undergoing Colorectal Surgery and Post Operative Outcomes. 
The Challenges of Keeping Higher Education Current in a Contemporary NHS.


College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Courses taught

BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice
BSc (Hons) DA Operating Department Practice

Modules taught

Introduction to Perioperative Practice and Patient Care
Evidence Based Practice
Personal and Professional Development 
Managing Emergencies in Perioperative Practice
Working with Complexity in Practice


Research projects
South Yorkshire TAP Project (2017)
Degree Apprenticeship Development for ODP (2022 Onwards)
Oncology - prehabilitation of cancer patients and the impact this has post operatively. Multi modal approaches to prehabilitation of patients undergoing colorectal surgery.

Other activities

External Examiner for UK HEI

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