Patricia Hughes

Patricia Hughes MSc

Senior Lecturer in Mental Health and Level 4 Lead BSc Nursing ICC


I teach on a range of modules in both the undergraduate and post graduate mental health nursing course and am module leader for 'Learners in Difficulty' on the Health and Social Care Education Course.


Previously, I worked within a range of services within mental health including Acute Wards, Community Teams and Single Point of Access. I have a particular interest working with people experiencing drug and alcohol problems and people with dementia. I lecture in a broad range of topics related to mental health nursing within both undergraduate and post graduate courses. In addition to my lecturers role I also support the admissions team to recruit good quality students to our University and work closely with colleagues within practice to ensure students receive a good quality placement.


I deliver teaching on various postgraduate and undergraduate modules within Health and Wellbeing including Non-medical Prescribing, Long-term Conditions and Paramedic Practice.


I am currently working with colleagues in practice exploring decision making and nursing formulation within mental health practice.

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