Patrick Wichert

Patrick Wichert BA, MA, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Photography


I have worked in higher education over more than 20 years, teaching photography and visual communication while fulfilling a number of leadership roles. I'm a practising fine art photographer and researcher, dedicated to the professional & personal development of my students.


I'm an experienced academic in European and UK education within the subjects of visual arts, photography and communication. I studied Fine Arts in Switzerland, Germany, and the UK and I’m currently completing practice-led PhD studies in photography. I've held a number of leadership positions over more than 20 years in HE as International Co-ordinator, Course Leader, Subject Group Leader, Global and Academic Partnerships Lead, and now Deputy Head of Postgraduate & Fine Art in the department of Art & Design. My photographic research explores the relationship between place and a sense of personal and community identity after forced migration. I maintain a portfolio in conceptual landscape photography and teach professional photography practice as well as visual art at levels 4-7.


Department of Media Arts and Communication

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject Area

Fashion and Photography

Courses taught

BA Photography, MA Photography

Modules taught

Analogue Practices, History Practices and Debates, Introduction to Critical Analysis, Advanced Production and Printing Methods


PhD Studies: "Vestiges of Affect: A Photographic Re-calling of a Forced Migrant Community's Landscapes"



Robinson, A. (n.d.). Northern Light - Website Gallery. [Website based gallery].

Gent, S., Watson, A., Lee, J., Wichert, P., Robinson, S., Robinson, A., ... Lazenby, M. (2018). Walk Out. [Video, photography, and sculpture]. Sheffield Institute for Art.

Wichert, P. (2019). Versazca Foto Festival 2019 Exhibition "In Cammino". [Photography]. Brione Versazca, Switzerland.

Hartle, S., Robinson, S., White, D., & Harrison, T. (2018). Exhibition: Yorkshire Artspace – Proximity and Distance. [Exhibition: Landscape Photography]. Yorkshire Artspace, Sheffield, UK.

Bacchus, D., & Wichert, P. (2022). Vestiges of Affective Resonance. [Virtual Reality, Photography]. Sheffield Hallam University.

Stewart, J. (2023). Hanse: Re-Imagining the North Sea. [Photography: 3*A3 size framed prints]. Cromer Artspace on the Prom.


Stewart, J. (2023). Artists and their affective responses to archives and oral histories: what do these contribute to our understanding of the histories of rural spaces? Presented at: EURHO 2023 - Rural History, Cluj, Romania

Wichert, P. (2022). Blocked Access: Evaluating Re-shaped Methods. Presented at: Method 2022: Postgraduate Research Conference, Sheffield

Wichert, P. (2022). United Archives: The photographs of Karl Heinrich Laemmel, 1920-1945. Presented at: Spring Seminar 2022 - Traumatic Landscapes, Porto

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