Dr Stephane Lalanne

Dr Stéphane Lalanne PhD, LLM, PG Cert LTHE – FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Law


I deliver lectures and seminars at Undergraduate and Post-graduate level

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 


Before joining Sheffield Hallam University, Stephane taught European Law, International Trade Law and French Domestic Law in different universities in France (Bordeaux, Nantes, Paris, Lyon) at undergraduate and post-graduate level. Since the end of the 90s, Stephane has been a regular Consultant for the OECD (Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs) in the area of trade, migration and other movements of workers.

In 2013 he defended a pioneering doctoral thesis in Paris X on international trade in intellectual property rights. In 2014 Stephane presented the associated research at the WTO in Geneva. 

Stephane is interested in teaching European Law, International Trade Law, intellectual property Law, International Corporate Governance, Private International Law.


Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Stephane's research activities cover European Market Law (architecture of the Four Freedoms, comparison with other regional economic areas), modern aspects of international Trade (Trade in Services and in Intellectual Property), corrosive effects of Free trade on Public Interest (social dumping, cultural identities) and hidden aspects of Globalization (bargaining games between trade, investments and migration)

Subject area


Courses taught

Law and criminology

Business and management

Modules taught 

Intellectual property law
Contract law
Business law
Global threats and penal policy


Research on the free circulation of intellectual property rights within the EU.

Academic Research

Legal aspects of international trade in intellectual properties at the beginning of the XXIst Century (http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100120)

International Reports

Report for the OECD on the statistical measurement of the posting of workers in Europe and Beyond 33 pages April 2015

Study on the international mobility of health workers (bilateral agreements, regional experiences, global perspectives) OECD/WHO project on health professionals 2008 120 pages

Report on the Trans-Border Posting of Workers (comparative policies in developed countries, European Evolutions, Reform Prospects) 2006 OECD 40 pages

Short studies for OECD International Migration Unit on International Mobility of Highly Skilled Workers, 2003

Report for the Swiss Confederation (Federal Office for Economic Development and Employment), « Movements of Workers and International Provision of Services in Switzerland », (Contributor) 1998 57 pages

Sheffield Hallam University Research Activity 

The Last Resort Endangered?  On the ECHR system of protection of Human Rights, Sheffield Hallam University Social Justice Week, 7 April 2017.

In collaboration with Thomas Bundschuh on the filtering procedure of actions before the ECHR and the right to a fair trial.

In collaboration with Dr. Aubrey Blumsohn, "Is the freedom of expression (article 10 ECHR) effective for of the protection of whistle-blowers".  

"Migrations as an object of multidisciplinary research" at the Sheffield Hallam University Faculty Research Conference, 13 June 2016, Migration Interdisciplinary Session.   


The European Market for Intellectual Property at the Beginning of The 21st Century, 2017, 350 pages (forthcoming)   

"Prospect on a reform of Posting workers within the EU in a context of conflicting interests between Member States" Lamy Business Law Journal Wolters Kluwer December 2016 Special Issue

"Beyond the Polish Plumber on the multiple faces of social competition in Europe" E. Carpano, E. Mayuzet,  M. Chastagnaret "Social, fiscal and normative competition in the EU" Bruylant October 2016 pp.265-282        

'Beyond Personalist Rhetorics: Critical remarks on the protection of intellectual property as a human right', Montesquieu Law Review 2016, N°2

'Posting of workers, EU enlargement and the globalization of trade in services' International Labour Review, 2011 N° 3-4 pp. 211-234

'Notaries and the Development of European Internal Market', JCP ed. N, 2005 N°s 44-45, pp.1799- 1808

'Prospects for exchanges of researchers, students and teachers in the framework of European and international relations', in OECD, Main Trends in International Migration, 2003, pp.97-99


 "Corporate Governance Codes in the UK", International Workshop "Corporate Governance Codes in Practice" Panel discussion on Corporate governance in a comparative and European perspective, 2 December 2016  University Lyon II  

"The Freedom to provide services and the posting of workers: The point of view of members states" Conference University Lyon III 16 June 2016 

"Hard Core article 3-1 Directive 96/71"Workshop, Chairman,Conference "Promoting Decent Work in Europe" as part of the Dutch Presidency of the European Union,Amsterdam 09 February 2016.

'Flexibilization of Labour Markets and the Movements of workers in Europe' International Conference “Legal, Social and Tax Competition in the European Union” University Lyon III 20 November 2015

'Measuring movements of persons at the crossroads of trade and migrations': Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Working Party on Migration, OECD, Paris 11 June 2015

'On an overlooked Aspect of TRIPS: International Trade in Intellectual Property' Seminar organized at WTO, Geneva, 17th December 2014

'Intellectual Property as an object of free movement: a hidden aspect of the European internal market': Conference organized by University Paris X Nanterre, 11 April 2014

Other activities

Specialist Consultation

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