Professor Tim Simkins
Emeritus Professor
Tim is Emeritus Professor of Education Management, working in association with the Centre for Education and Inclusion Research. He has more than 30 years' experience of teaching and researching leadership and management in education. He is a former secretary and chair, and currently Professional Officer of the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society and an Associate Editor of Educational Management Administration and Leadership. He has been a member of the ESRC Peer Review College.
Tim's research interests concern the interface between national policy and institutional management, organisational and resource management issues in schools and colleges, evaluation of leadership development programmes and educational leadership in developing countries. He has acted as a consultant to a number of international development agencies in the designing and evaluation of management development programmes and the development and evaluation of resourcing systems. He has also led and participated in a range of research and evaluation projects for government agencies, including evaluations of a number of the programmes for what is now the National College for Teaching and Leadership. His current work concerns the impact of school restructuring in England on local schooling landscapes. He has published more than 50 books, monographs and articles.
Journal articles
Crawford, M., Maxwell, B., Coldron, J., & Simkins, T. (2020). Local authorities as actors in the emerging “school-led” system in England. Educational Review.
Simkins, T., Coldron, J., Crawford, M., & Maxwell, B. (2018). Emerging schooling landscapes in England: how primary system leaders are responding to new school groupings. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
Simkins, T., Coldron, J., Crawford, M., & Jones, S. (2015). Emerging local schooling landscapes : the role of the local authority. School Leadership and Management, 35 (1), 1-16.
Coldron, J., Crawford, M., Jones, S., & Simkins, T. (2015). The positions of primary and secondary schools in the English school field: a case of durable inequality. Journal of education policy, 30 (5), 671-687.
Simkins, T. (2015). School restructuring in England : new school configurations and new challenges. Management in Education, 29 (1), 4-8.
Simkins, T., & Woods, P. (2015). Editorial: Responses to structural change in schooling in England. Management in Education, 29 (1), 3.
Coldron, J., Crawford, M., Jones, S., & Simkins, T. (2014). The positions of primary and secondary schools in the English school field: a case of durable inequality. Journal of Education Policy.
Coldron, J., Crawford, M., Jones, S., & Simkins, T. (2014). The restructuring of schooling in England: the responses of well-positioned Headteachers. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42 (3), 387-403.
Woods, P., & Simkins, T. (2014). Understanding the local: themes and issues in the experience of structural reform in England. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42 (3), 324-340.
Simkins, T., & Garrick, R. (2012). Developing multi-agency teams: implications of a national programme evaluation. Management in Education, 26 (1), 13-19.
Simkins, T. (2012). Understanding school leadership and management development in England: retrospect and prospect. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40 (5), 621-640.
Coldwell, M., & Simkins, T. (2011). Level models of continuing professional development evaluation: a grounded review and critique. Professional development in education, 37 (1), 143-157.
Simkins, T., Close, P., & Smith, R. (2009). Work-shadowing as a process for facilitating leadership succession in primary schools. School Leadership and Management, 29 (3), 239-251.
Simkins, T. (2009). Integrating work‐based learning into large‐scale national leadership development programmes in the UK. Educational Review, 61 (4), 391-405.
Simkins, T., Coldwell, M., Close, P., & Morgan, A. (2009). Outcomes of in-school leadership development work: a study of three NCSL programmes. Educational management administration and leadership, 37 (1), 29-50.
Simkins, T.J., Maxwell, B., & Aspinwall, K.A. (2009). Developing the whole-school workforce in England: building cultures of engagement. Professional development in education, 35 (3), 433.
Simkins, T.J., Coldwell, M., Caillau, I., Finlayson, H., & Morgan, A. (2006). Coaching as an in-school leadership development strategy: experiences from leading from the middle. Journal of in-service education, 32 (3), 321-340.
Simkins, T.J. (2005). Leadership in education: "what works" or "what makes sense"? Educational management administration and leadership, 33 (1), 9-26.
Simkins, T.J. (2004). School finance and equity in England: an analysis of strategies and consequences. Educational management administration and leadership, 32 (4), 369-386.
Simkins, T.J., & Lumby, J. (2002). Cultural transformation in further education? Mapping the debate. Research in post compulsory education, 7 (1), 9-25.
Conference papers
Boylan, M., Coldwell, M., & Simkins, T. (2011). Complexity and leadership in teacher professional development : the case of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. In British Educational Research Association Conference, London, IoE, 7 September 2011 - 10 September 2011.
Maxwell, B., & Simkins, T. (2011). School strategies for the professional development and support of early career teachers. In BERA Annual Conference 2011 - Early career teacher symposium (NQTQIS project), Institute of Education, London, 6 September 2011 - 8 September 2011.
Maxwell, B., Simkins, T., & Coldwell, M. (2009). Possibilities of partnerships as sites for learning: Leadership development in English 14-19 consortia. In BERA Annual Conference 2009, University of Manchester, 2 September 2009 - 5 September 2009.
Maxwell, B., Greany, T., Aspinwall, K., Handscomb, G., Seleznyov, S., & Simkins, T. (2015). Approaches to research & development for ‘great pedagogy’ and ‘great CPD’ in teaching school alliances : teaching schools R&D network national themes project 2012-14. London: Department for Education.
Theses / Dissertations
Moreton, H.J. (2015). Headteacher inspectors: boundaries, identity and the potential for system leadership. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Simkins, T., & Boylan, M.
Wainwright, J.M. (2014). Leading children's centres: a study of seven leaders in context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Simkins, T.
Schimmel, H. (2013). Knowledge sharing, change and implementation of ICT in education in a university. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Hudson, A., Simkins, T., Veen, K.V., & Hudson, B.
Collier, D. (2009). Developing managers in the European subsidiary of a UK financial services organisation. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Mcauley, J., & Simkins, T.
Jones, S.C. (2007). Leadership and educational improvement in two highly disadvantaged communities. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Simkins, T., & Aspinwall, K.
Ball, S.D. (2004). The leadership of university academics in research - Case studies of hospitality management. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Simkins, T., & Clegg, S.
Lowe, G.C. (2003). Inspection, school improvement, development and change. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Holland, M., & Simkins, T.