All-Action Hero: Signavio vs. The GDPR

Written by Tecwyn Hill | 3 min read
Published on: May 14, 2018 - Last modified: September 26th, 2022
Signavio GDPR Resources

From 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will fundamentally alter the way companies handle, source, and distribute data collected from partners or clients residing in the European Union. To mark this change, the Signavio blog will focus on the GDPR throughout May, with a range of posts covering different aspects of the GDPR. This post is the fourth in our series, and will give you an insider's look at how Signavio can support your organization during the transition to the GDPR.


Don’t panic! The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) isn’t some monster lurking under the bed, or some terrifying encounter of the ‘fourth kind.’ It’s an opportunity to show the world that your organization takes privacy and security seriously, and that you value customer/user trust.

And, even though the abbreviation “GDPR” sounds like a no-good organization from a 70s Bond movie, this is an evolution of what’s gone before–and what we already know, we shouldn’t fear. Plus, like in all action movies, the 'goodies' always win. With a little help from some industry-leading resources...

In fact, while Signavio doesn’t claim to be saving the world, we have top GDPR resources at our disposal, the smokin’ processes, and the expertise to clear any nastiness. But where do we start? What steps are necessary for survival? And how do we document our progress?

Continuing our blog series Countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation, we answer all these questions (and more!) to disarm the new regulation. Our helpful GDPR resources will tell you everything you need to know, and unlike other action heroes, we will accomplish our mission way before the countdown clock hits zero!

GDPR Resources: Data Never Dies

Companies are collecting huge amounts of B2B and B2C customer data that can be analyzed using various software tools, such as business intelligence. But what happens to this data? How is it stored and used?

If we have learned anything from corporate hacking cases, financial details losses, and insurance breaches, it is that the potential for catastrophic data infringement is very real. Privacy scandals have hit the headlines at an alarming rate. Ranging from the hacking probe within law firms, to financial service infringements, insurance company leaks, and social media data breaches. Leaving consumers, businesses, and governments shaken and stirred.

The main objective of the GDPR is to protect the consumer. Better data protection is necessary because there is a lag between policymakers’ knowledge of cybersecurity and the reality of new threats in this digital world and its paperless structure.

Regulations are Forever

On 25 May the GDPR will be fully enforceable in the European Union. This new regulation succeeds the Data Protection Directive, a two-decade-old directive that’s languished in recent years due to the growth of available online information.

The GDPR will apply to every member state of the EU, as well as worldwide organizations that process or store EU citizen data and address the protection and movement of personal data.

The EU considers personal data to be any information relating to an individual whether it relates to his/her private, professional or public life. It can be anything from a name, a home address, a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networks, medical information, or a computer’s IP address.

Signavio: The Organization With the Golden Collateral

Your time is valuable. We know what it’s like to need information delivered quickly, concisely, and professionally. Our countdown to the GDPR blog-series is about bringing facts and details together to empower knowledge and drive strategy.

If you’re looking for something informative but concise, our information sheet on the need for strict decision and process management is perfect. The flyer lists the main GDPR challenges companies face and highlights how Signavio empowers you to meet them.

If you need a more in-depth GDPR resource, The Signavio Guide to GDPR Compliance is more detailed and is the perfect primer to the regulation The informative white paper helps you understand and prepare for the changes ahead, and the steps to take to ensure your business is best-placed to thrive under the new data protection requirements.

Leaf through our other leading resources, including:

Furthermore, the Signavio 7 Step Guide to Risk and Compliance covers the steps your business needs to take to ensure you meet your regulatory requirements. Finally, to ensure you have a quantum of solace about how your organization compares to the broader issues around risk and compliance in modern business, try Signavio’s white paper, Modern Compliance Management in Times of Constant Change.

... Signavio, your GDPR all-action hero. Coming to a screen near you.

For Your Eyes Only

Now that you’ve defeated the GDPR, why not go full-on gung-ho!? Discover how Signavio can improve all your business processes with SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite. Sign up for a free 30-day trial. This message will not self-destruct.

Published on: May 14, 2018 - Last modified: September 26th, 2022