New Technology, More Productivity

The wonderful thing about technology is that it can make things so much better and more efficient. Think about a webinar. These days, someone can get on their computer and train hundreds of people all over the world. To get that same training back in the day, people would have to buy plane tickets, book a hotel, get a ride to a conference center, then find their way back home when the event was over. What used to take days can now take place in a couple of hours. That’s the beauty of technology.

For equipment manufacturers and distributors, technology should do the same thing—make things so much better and more efficient.

There should be a direct correlation between upgraded technology and increased productivity.


The word configured basically means customized. If you know someone who bought customized shoes, it means that they had them tailored for their specific desires. When it comes to technology for equipment manufacturers and distributors, Sikich customizes the technology experience. It’s called HEADSTART, and it’s a working model of Microsoft Dynamics 365 that’s pre-configured right out of the box. Sikich has invested thousands of hours to create a tailored, ready-to-use model. Not only do clients get a working system, they can be confident that it was pre-configured by talented people who understand technology and their line of work.

Implementation happens rapidly, quickly turning new technology into more productivity!

These days, almost all new vehicles come with backup cameras.

This is technology that makes driving better. People are safer. With increased visibility, they can avoid minor accidents and major misfortunes. They can also navigate parking lots and tight spaces with more efficiency and success.

Before backup cameras were standard on most vehicles, however, it was a timely process for people who wanted one.

  • They had to buy or order parts.
  • They had to either install it themselves or pay someone else to do it.
  • They had to test it to make sure it worked properly.

These days, all of that work has been done before someone purchases a vehicle. In the same way, that’s what HEADSTART does for companies who are ready to implement new technology!

Continual Configuration

HEADSTART makes it possible for companies to keep their systems current with as little work and effort as possible. It delivers the tools and training necessary to keep the software fully up-to-date. It’s agile and evergreen. Refinement, improvement, and feedback are a big part of the system, and best practices and standard operating procedures are always accessible.

  • It provides a process for individuals and teams to learn and validate the design, apply it to their work, and get better at using it.
  • It delivers a library of task recordings.
  • It speeds up testing so that clients can benefit faster.
  • It offers pilot workshops so that teams can refine a solution that works best for them.
  • It includes a digital feedback loop to ensure that it’s consistently improved as Microsoft releases new features and clients encounter new scenarios.

As manufacturers and distributors perfect their new technology, it should equate to better outcomes and an improved bottom line!

Sikich isn’t concerned with new technology for no reason—we want it to be intentional and effective. We want new technology that leads to more productivity!

With HEADSTART, you get training, testing, application, visibility, and refinement, all in one!

Experience the value of both pre-configuration and continual configuration. Contact us today to schedule a discovery call!

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