SMMT Member Services

Safe Harbour

Introduction to SMMT Safe Harbour

Safe Harbour is an initiative SMMT has developed specifically to support automotive suppliers impacted by ongoing hardship or challenges. It provides a mechanism which suppliers can use to bring their customers and stakeholders together to discuss how they can collectively support and address the impact of issues such as:

  • Component shortages including semiconductors
  • Raw material shortages and price increases
  • Supply chain issues and challenges

The benefits of Safe Harbour

This collaborative approach, a first for UK automotive, will enable suppliers to:

  • Leverage the benefits of collective action developed in collaboration with key customers and stakeholders.
  • Save time and resource by using an efficient, established framework instead of working independently.
  • Minimise the potential risk and impact of insolvency on their supply chains.

The Safe Harbour process

For the supplier, Safe Harbour involves 5 key steps:

Please note, Safe Harbour is a voluntary programme for all parties involved, from the applicant to the customers and stakeholders. The most successful examples will involve all a supplier’s key customers and stakeholders.

Apply now

The Safe Harbour initiative is available to any company operating in the UK automotive sector.

Suppliers interested in taking part in Safe Harbour should enquire using the form below or contact SMMT direct for a confidential consultation


SMMT will follow up with further details and to set up an initial consultation.

Safe Harbour partners

Safe Harbour has been developed in partnership with SMMT’s key UK vehicle manufacturer members and with support from a number of key partners:

A number of ITPs (Independent Third Parties) alongside ILAs (Independent Legal Advisors) will be working with us:

Background on Safe Harbour

Safe Harbour was developed by SMMT in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on automotive supply chains, however Safe Harbour will continue to support businesses facing new challenges, such as the energy crisis.

Building on a concept developed by the German automotive industry and the VDA, SMMT has shaped an alternative that meets the competition compliance requirements set out by the UK’s Competition Markets Authority (CMA).

The concept has been developed in partnership with some of the UK’s leading vehicle manufacturers and a range of supportive organisations to help ensure what framework is fit for purpose.

For any questions regarding the Safe Harbour Scheme please contact us: