This chapter focuses on the recent progress in the properties of and synthetic approaches to ceramic materials, which can be used to understand effectively the fabrication methods. Ceramics are related with mixed binding: a combination of covalent, ionic, and metallic. The majority of ceramics are compounds of metals of metalloids and nonmetals. The sol-gel process has been widely used for the synthesis of metal alkoxide powders. The electrochemical method offers important and unique possibilities in the development of ceramic materials. It deals with the reactions, proceeding at the expense of electrical energy. Combustion synthesis is an efficient method to produce a broad variety of superior materials that contain products of ceramics, intermetallics, and composites. The spray pyrolysis process makes it possible to control particle properties such as size, morphology, and chemical composition. The ceramic materials are the most advanced in scientific knowledge as well as in commercial applications. Ceramics have prime physical properties, including electrical, thermal, magnetic, and mechanical.
