Musk vows to sell $6bn Tesla stake if UN shows how cash can 'solve world hunger'

Billionaire asks the World Food Programme to demonstrate how funds could help save lives

Elon Musk has said he is prepared to sell Tesla shares worth $6bn (£4.4bn) if the United Nations can demonstrate how it would feed 42m people.

The world’s richest person challenged David Beasley, head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), after he said billionaires should “step up now” to save lives.

Mr Musk tweeted: “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6bn will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it. But it must be open source accounting, so the public sees precisely how the money is spent.”

Mr Musk is worth $311bn, according to Bloomberg, so $6bn represents about 2pc of his net worth. He has said he plans to spend his fortune on endeavours such as sending humans to Mars.

Last week, the Tesla billionaire criticised US Democrats’ proposals to raise taxes on billionaires.

Mr Beasley responded to Mr Musk, saying the donation would not solve world hunger but could save tens of millions of lives in the short term.

“$6bn will not solve world hunger, but it WILL prevent geopolitical instability, mass migration and save 42 million people on the brink of starvation. An unprecedented crisis and a perfect storm due to Covid/conflict/climate crises. With your help we can bring hope, build stability and change the future,” he wrote, offering to meet Mr Musk.

The UN says 42m people in 43 countries are facing famine-like conditions or are on the brink of it, with the worst-affected in Ethiopia, Madagascar, South Sudan and Yemen. The WFP, the world’s largest humanitarian organisation, is set up to provide assistance to those facing hunger. 

It has said $6.6bn is needed to avert famine.

Mr Beasley told CNN: “$6bn to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don't reach them. It's not complicated.” He cited Mr Musk and the Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, specifically.

Mr Musk has rarely sold Tesla shares, allowing him to maintain a stake of about a fifth of the electric carmaker, which last week passed a $1 trillion valuation.

He challenged the UN to publish its spending in more detail, tweeting at Mr Beasley: “Please publish your current & proposed spending in detail so people can see exactly where money goes. Sunlight is a wonderful thing.”

Professor Dominic Moran of the University of Edinburgh said: “There's a broader question about the difference between assisting in acute disasters which you can throw money at and feed people. But there's a broader debate about system transformation, which is harder to put a number on.”

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