Dairy and plant-based yoghurt production on a single hybrid line

Consumption of fermented products such as yoghurt, and in particular plant-based yoghurt, is projected to grow strongly over the next 10 years. The perceived health benefits are appreciated by consumers in all areas of the world.

One technical challenge is that the yoghurt production lines used for dairy and plant-based yoghurts look very similar, but they require different processing steps, design details and parameters. 

Dairy milk and plant-based ingredients differ on protein, fat and carbohydrate levels, and much more, which affects the formulation, process and final product. They also have different microbiological flora, which can affect, for instance, the heat treatment program required to create a safe product. Together these biological and chemical differences mean that requirements on yoghurt processing lines for dairy and plant-based products are different.

However, it is possible to build a hybrid line capable of producing both dairy and plant-based fermented yoghurt, which enables producers to have greater production flexibility and higher line utilization.

Tetra Pak has the processing knowledge and expertise to advise you on how to build new hybrid lines or adapt your existing lines to create hybrid yoghurt production capacity, through:

  • Added or replaced components
  • New settings and yoghurt processing parameters
  • Recommended ingredients
  • Recommended cleaning procedures

Because both dairy products and many plant-based products contain allergens, allergen management is crucial in a hybrid line producing both products, and puts high demands on the producer. Tetra Pak has developed CIP programs and other techniques that help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Based on our long experience with a wide range of both dairy and plant-based fermented yoghurt, we can provide the right guidance every step of the way. Read the details in our white paper.


White paper: Dairy & plant-based yoghurt production

Fill in the form to download and read “Dairy and plant-based yoghurt production on a single hybrid line”.

Yoghurt with blueberries

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