A differentiated printing portfolio

Good graphic design creates a purposeful relationship between the package shape and the content. How packaging looks plays an important role in product and brand communications, and can be seen as one of the key factors influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions. Your package is a blank canvas that can show consumers who you really are, what you stand for, and crucially, what your products bring to those who buy them.

Our differentiated printing portfolio has evolved based on your needs, backed by our expertise and market knowledge. Together with our packaging shapes and packaging materials, we offer a variety of printing products to suit all your requirements – and to ensure your products stand out on busy shelves. 

Digital printing methods

drink package

Tetra Pak® Select

Tetra Pak Select is a sophisticated Flexographic printing product that enhances colour, clarity, and other print qualities for more distinctive and aesthetically appealing carton packaging. With its ability to mix special and process colours and smooth fading possibilities, Tetra Pak Select is a premium solution in the Tetra Pak portfolio and represents the cutting-edge of Flexography technology. With greater density for bolder, more vibrant premium designs and photo realism within images, it takes design freedom to new levels while enhancing branding opportunities and strengthening consumer communication.

packages close up

Tetra Pak® Sharp

Tetra Pak Sharp is a standard printing product which offers great sharpness in print, and is the standard flexography printing choice for designs with photo-realistic images. The use of Flexography guarantees high definition and contrast between colours and sharp edges in the design, making texts easily and clearly readable. It works for our coated and uncoated paperboard as well as together with Tetra Pak® Craft or Metallized packaging materials to communicate your brand’s identity.

carton packages

Tetra Pak® Flexo Line

This simple and efficient usage of Flexography printing is excellent for simple designs and effective communication. All colours used in a Flexo Line design are considered spot (i.e. special) colours, which contributes to great image contrast and colour coverage by using a maximum of six spot colours. As creating photographic images is not possible with Flexo Line, if they are a requirement, please consider one of our other printing options.

Tetra Pak Design Manual

Your guide to great design

From design concept to final colour approval, we support you on your packaging design journey – and the Tetra Pak Design Manual is a key element in this. If you already have a My Tetra Pak account and login, explore the Design Manual to get all the information you need on printing methods, paperboards, inks, and keylines, and a comprehensive guide to how all our different print options can turn your design into a compelling package. If you don’t have a login to My Tetra Pak, please send your request to designmanual@tetrapak.com

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