Handling equipment for ice cream products

Gently taking the product off the mould, removing it from the extrusion plate, lifting it and turning it upside down to be dipped in chocolate, holding it until the chocolate is frozen and putting it into a paper wrapper – all this is called 'handling'.

Our handling equipment offers a unique advantage when it comes to wrapping accuracy. The lay down speed of the product is adjusted automatically to match the speed of the paper wrapping. This prevents the product from being misaligned, safeguards hygienic conditions and reduces waste  - of both the product and the paper.  This patented technology also significantly reduces costs for ice cream producers.

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer units

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer units are suitable for the transfer of frozen ice cream stick novelties, sandwich products, cones and wafer cups from trays of a Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnel to Tetra Pak® Singlelane Wrappers and Tetra Pak® Multilane Wrappers. They can all be connected to the different Tetra Pak® Extrusion Tunnels. All models can be equipped to coat with juice as well as chocolate. Two models are available with different capacities and lanes.

Equipment for ice cream handling

Tetra Pak Dip and transfer unit 1800 M2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 1800 M2

The Tetra Pak® Dip and transfer unit 1800 M2 is a medium capacity, multilane transfer and dipping equipment for ice cream production

Tetra Pak Dip and Transfer unit A2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit A2

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer units are suitable for the transfer of frozen ice cream stick novelties, sandwich products, cones and wafer cups from trays.

Tetra Pak Dip and Transfer unit 2000 A3

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit 2000 A3

Grippers pick up the ice cream products from the trays of the extrusion tunnel and place them gently in the lamellas of the dip and transfer unit.

A whole new level in dipping technology

Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit

The new Tetra Pak® Dip and Transfer unit – one of the cornerstones of our new high-capacity extrusion lines – represents a whole new level in dipping technology, with high precision for exceptionally consistent product quality, great flexibility to change products, and trouble-free operation.

Accurate dipping means full control of every dipping parameter: time, temperature and position, which is a key to securing consistent product quality. All kinds of coating processes are possible – from a single chocolate dip to special multi-dips.

With full control, you can make adjustments on the fly, you get gentle handling of dipping media, and no aeration in the dip. There’s even an optional dip-tip control, so you avoid getting a chocolate tip on top of the product.

And the temperature control is maintained even during shutdown, thereby reducing waste.
Cow, tanks, man and woman eating ice cream

Ice cream production and manufacturing

We serve as your one-stop shop for ice cream production, providing all the expertise and equipment you need to make fast-changing market demands.

Tray with ice cream prototypes

Product Development Centre, Ice Cream Solutions

At the Ice cream Product Development Centre in Aarhus you can experiment with the latest processing solutions for ice cream and try new flavours, shapes, styles

Ice cream ingredients

Recipe and ingredients supply for ice cream

Tetra Pak Ingredients is a one-stop shop for a wide variety of products for ice cream processing and packaging including product ideas and recipe formulation.

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