Our Tetra Pak® Homogenizer 500 handles high-pressure homogenization of emulsions and suspensions. It is ideal for both high and low viscous as well as aseptic and non-aseptic products including pasteurized milk, UHT milk, cream, yoghurt, condensed milk, ice cream mix, fruit juices, RNGS (rice, nut, grain or soy) beverages, concentrates, purées, tomato products, dressings, ketchups, liquid egg, mayonnaise, sauces and gravies. It is also available as a high-pressure pump – ideal for feeding a spray dryer when producing powder for example.
Highest installed capacity
Highest homogenizing efficiency
Lowest utility consumption
High uptime
Our homogenizer bodies are available in Outokumpu Circle Green®1 stainless steel, a material that boasts a carbon footprint up to 93% lower when compared to the global industry average for stainless steel2. Depending on the model, using Outokumpu Circle Green® stainless steel on a homogenizer will reduce the CO₂ emissions by between 300kg to 2500kg per machine3. The Circle Green variant range offers the same benefits as the other Tetra Pak homogenizers in the line, such as durability, reliability and ease of operation, and is available as an option for all models produced in Europe.
Cut your investment and operating costs significantly with one Tetra Pak® Homogenizer 500 instead of two smaller machines
High-temperature condensate aseptic barrier and serial cooling system
The high-temperature condensate in the aseptic barrier minimizes consumption of steam and cooling water. The outlet temperature of the condensate is minimum 110 °C (conventional designs have about 60°C). This means that our solution save 70% of the steam and 80% of the water compared to conventional designs. On top of this, we can add the enhanced food safety aspects of the higher temperature. One water-saving feature of Tetra Pak Homogenizer is a serial cooling water system instead of a parallel one. This reduces cooling water requirements, since each drop of water will be re-used on more than one piston. In addition, up to 80% of the cooling water can be re-circulated for use again.
2Global average CO₂ emissions (2023): 7 kg CO₂e per kg of stainless steel (Outokumpu’s calculation based on data provided by CRU, worldstainless and Kobolde & Partners AB). Outokumpu Circle Green CO₂ emissions: down to 0.5 kilos of CO₂e per kg of stainless steel.
3Outokumpu's calculation based on data from CRU and Worldstainless: European average 2,8t/tco2; Circle Green 0,57t/tco2.