Ice cream moulding

We offer equipment for both rotary and inline moulding, depending on the customer's priorities. Rotary moulding has the advantage of reducing product waste, while inline moulding allows for more process steps when producing complex products such as multiple flavour fillings.

What's unique about our moulding equipment is that we can fill product at minus 3°C – 5°C using a filling nozzle which starts at the bottom of the mould and gradually rises as the mould is filled. Since the liquid is highly viscous, it can easily carry inclusions. In addition, more air can be incorporated, giving it a pleasantly smooth mouth feel and less mix consumption. In fact, this technique makes it possible to produce a moulded ice cream of similar quality to an extruded or filled product. Filling such cold product also boosts capacity of the line!

In addition, we offer the most efficient stick inserter on the market! An investment in precision that quickly gives you instant payback by reducing produce waste.

Production is rendered even more efficient by our smart automation solutions, which sound the alarm if there is a malfunction in the machine, enabling the operator to intervene rapidly and correct it.

Ice cream moulding machines from Tetra Pak

The Tetra Pak Moulder range consists of rotary moulded stick novelty machines: the Rotary Moulders models and in-line moulded stick novelty machines, and the Inline Moulder models.

Tetra Pak Moulder lines are supplied for different capacities and with different degrees of automation. The rotary design of Tetra Pak Rotary Moulder stick novelty freezers is space-saving and avoids the inversion of moulds, minimising product and brine loss. The brine system is completely enclosed so that brine is unable to enter the moulds and contaminate the products.

The Tetra Pak Inline Moulder is designed to meet the requirements of a flexible and reliable moulding machine. It performs at optimal speed and with high capacities, ensuring steady, reliable production. By combining with the Tetra Pak® Multilane Wrapper M1 wrapping machine, you achieve very high efficiency.

We supply a wide range of filling equipment for the production of a variety of stick novelty products. The range includes the Tetra Pak® Bottom Filler for time-elapse filling and the Tetra Pak® Rotary Volumetric Bottom Filler, both multi-purpose units producing numerous exciting stick products.

Tetra Pak®​ Volumetric Bottom Filler easily accommodates bulky inclusions such as pieces of fruit, nuts, chocolate and wine gums, providing endless opportunities to raise the attraction value of new products. If required the bars can be coated with chocolate and dry ingredients after extraction from the moulds.

Model Typical capacity
Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 23 M2 up to 12.000 sticks/hour
Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 M3 up to 18.000 sticks/hour
Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 A4 up to 21.000 sticks/hour
Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 35 M3 up to 27.000 sticks/hour
Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 35 A2 up to 42.000 sticks/hour
Tetra Pak® Inline Moulder 1500 M1 up to 30.000 sticks/hour

Actual outlet capacities will depend upon product type, volume and shape

Equipment for ice cream moulding

Tetra Pak Rotary Moulder 27 A4

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 A4

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 A4

A high-speed unit for filling ice cream mixture into a mould, freezing mixture and inserting sticks, with options for dipping in coatings.

Tetra Pak Rotary Moulder 27 M3

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 M3

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 M3

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 27 M3 is a moulding unit for filling ice cream mixture into a mould, freezing and inserting sticks (and can apply a coating)

Tetra Pak Rotary Moulder 23 M2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 23 M2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 23 M2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 23 M2 is a moulding unit for filling ice cream mixture into a mould, freezing and inserting sticks (and can apply a coating)

Tetra Pak Rotary Moulder 35 A2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 35 A2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 35 A2

Tetra Pak® Rotary Moulder 35 A2 is a high-speed unit for filling ice cream mixture into a mould, freezing and inserting sticks (can also apply a coating

Tetra Pak Linear Moulder 1500 A2

Tetra Pak® Linear Moulder 1500 A2

Tetra Pak® Linear Moulder 1500 A2

Tetra Pak® Linear Moulder 1500 A2 ice cream moulding machine, highest capacity on the market with multilane wrapping

Tetra Pak Volumetric Bottom Filler

Tetra Pak® Volumetric Bottom Filler

Tetra Pak® Volumetric Bottom Filler

The Tetra Pak® Volumetric Bottom Filler is a volumetric bottom filler for viscous filling on a moulding line for ice cream.

Find out more about ice cream

Cow, tanks, man and woman eating ice cream

Ice cream production and manufacturing

We serve as your one-stop shop for ice cream production, providing all the expertise and equipment you need to make fast-changing market demands.

Tray with ice cream prototypes

Product Development Centre, Ice Cream Solutions

At the Ice cream Product Development Centre in Aarhus you can experiment with the latest processing solutions for ice cream and try new flavours, shapes, styles

Best-practice lines for Ice cream

Best-practice lines for Ice cream

Our best-practice lines for ice cream combine our proven solutions into the most optimal setup for a specific product at a specific capacity.

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