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How to Do a Live Podcast Recording: On Air Now!


Podcasts are available on-demand, which, for many audiences, is a benefit. But some creators record their podcasts live, with an audience. Deciding whether or not to podcast live depends on your show, your audience, and your podcast workflow. In the following few paragraphs, I’ll show you the pros and cons, some best practices, and different tools you can use to produce a live podcast. After that, the only question that remains is, should you do a live podcast? 

23% of podcasters record live

62% of podcasters never record live, so broadcasting your podcast could be a good USP. Data from our 2024 Podcaster Gear, Software, & Setups survey.

Should I Do a Live Podcast?

First, let’s compare the pros and cons of podcasting live. Some of these may be important to you, others not so much. 

Benefits of Podcasting Live

Audience engagement. Have you been podcasting for a while, with little feedback from your audience? Producing a live podcast episode allows your audience to chat with you. Direct communication makes them feel valued. Then, they’re more likely to recommend your show to their friends and actively support your podcast. 

Feedback for future episodes. When you podcast live, the audience aren’t passive listeners; they’re active participants in conversations about your show’s topic. Their questions, opinions, and information can potentially improve your show’s content. Whether the audience responses lead you to try something new that day, or in the future, you’ll explore your podcast’s topic in a way that has greater value for your audience. 

That “showtime!” feeling. Presentation skills are funny things. Loads of people are afraid of public speaking. But, taking the spotlight (or sharing it with a co-host) in front of a live audience can put some starch in your spine. You may find you articulate your words more clearly or gain enthusiasm, even simply because this experience is new and different. 

Challenges of Podcasting Live

Attendance. It can be tough to get people to show up for a virtual meetup. Workplaces’ adoption of videoconference software has taken the shine off of virtual meetings. Before 2020, using Zoom made me feel like an admiral on an episode of Star Trek. Now, all webinars make me tired. Attendance is a gamble, particularly when your podcast has launched recently, and you’re still finding your audience.  

Extra tasks. Podcasting live adds extra steps to your podcast workflow. You might have to learn how to use a different software for the event itself. Also, you need to promote the event, not only in your podcast episodes, but everywhere else you market your show. You can incentivize attendance at your live podcast with a prize drawing or a giveaway. Delivering that prize, though, may add to your task list. 

Time constraints. When you plan to podcast live regularly, your schedule becomes less flexible. Typically, your work is self-paced. But podcasting live on a particular time and date makes for stricter deadlines. 

As you think about these pros and cons, some may stimulate your creativity, and others may bring you down. Weigh these variables concerning what you’re willing and able to do. In the meantime, let’s look at the fixed elements of producing your podcast live. 

Publishing Live Recordings as Podcast Episodes

After you podcast live, you can repurpose the content for future episodes. Don’t publish the recording as-is, though. Your live session will inevitably be chock-full of introductions, small talk, etc. Edit out all the extraneous chat. Keep the live moment with interactions for your diehard fans. Then, let your casual listeners have the streamlined version. 

Whatever you typically use to record and edit your podcast, you may need to try something different to do a live podcast. Here are some of the equipment and software tools to consider. 

Equipment for Live Podcasting: Zoom Podtrak P4

Equipment for Live Podcasting

Many podcasters want an analog, tactile solution to connect their hosts and guests. That’s where dedicated podcast recorders, such as Zoom’s Podtrak P4 and The Rodecaster Pro II, really shine. 

The Podtrak P4 allows you to connect up to 4 XLR mics, and you can include guests via computer or smartphone. 

The Rodecaster Pro II combines a digital mixer, audio interface, MIDI controller, and standalone recording in one device. Onboard processing can improve your audio quality in real time. 

If you want to do a podcast live, and audio quality is your top priority, either device can help you keep all aspects of sound engineering under your control. 

7 Software Platforms For Your Live Podcast

most popular live podcasting recording software

Data from our 2024 Podcaster Gear, Software, & Setups survey.

The following platforms are some of the most popular streaming tools for podcasting live. New tools launch all the time (or so it seems), so if there’s a system you use to podcast live that we haven’t covered, let us know. If we can test it, we may include it on this list in the future. 

How these platforms can help (or hinder) your live podcasting depends on your audience. You may find that your podcast’s ideal listener avoids one platform while embracing another. But, when you use the tool that fits you best, you can provide your audience with an experience worth making an appointment to meet. 

1. Podbean Live Stream

Soon after Clubhouse’s debut, live audio became the top priority for audio streaming platforms. While Clubhouse and some of its competitors, such as Spotify Live, saw diminishing engagement before folding, Podbean Live remains a strong player in the live audio platform market. 

Our review of Podbean Live focuses on the platform’s utility as a remote recording system. Not only does this review provide details on how to do a live podcast with Podbean, but it also touches on monetization. 

Podbean has been a dependable podcasting platform for over a decade. Their longevity speaks to their durability and willingness to listen to their customers. You can set up a live stream for free, so trying it is worth your while. 

2. Riverside Live Streaming Software 

Riverside functions best as a recording tool. Our full review of Riverside shows how it works. The live streaming feature is an added option (as opposed to the primary purpose, such as with YouTube). You can host a live podcast with up to eight guests and have your audience listen along or call in. Plus, you can stream your live podcast directly to Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms.

3. YouTube Live 

Ultimately, what makes YouTube Live stand out is its broad reach and easy access. The Pew Research Center reported that 85% of adult survey respondents and 90% of teens use YouTube.  And, there’s very little learning curve to do a live podcast with YouTube or to watch a live podcast stream. It appears that YouTube’s algorithm prefers active live streams over pre-recorded video. So, if you do your podcast live, YouTube may prioritize your live stream in search results over pre-recorded videos for the same topic. 

Fool & Scholar Productions have used YouTube Live to promote their podcasts and special events for over seven years. They also use YouTube as another way to enjoy their episodes. But it’s not the only streaming platform their team uses. Co-founder Travis Vengroff said, “YouTube is where we SHOULD see audience growth, but in practice, it’s been lacklustre and difficult to grow – evidenced by our poor audience (50k subscribers and ~100-300 active listeners).” 

In short, YouTube Live is convenient for creators and audiences. But YouTube isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, podcasting-wise. Unless your audience already prefers watching your podcast on YouTube, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 

4. Twitch 

Originally for gamers, this live-streaming service is now used for various live content, including podcasts. In 2023, Variety reported that Twitch has “more than 31 million average daily visitors.” The platform’s apps make it accessible via smartphones or tablets, or you can use your web browser. Users aren’t required to log in to watch, though they can pay $4.99 monthly to subscribe. Twitch creators can monetize their streams with ads, and followers can donate to their favorite streamers.

Amber Devereux of Tin Can Audio uses Twitch for creative co-working and podcast promotion. “I went with Twitch because it was a site specifically designed for streaming, rather than something which had the functionality tacked on.”

Devereux clarified that Twitch provides flexibility and customization for the stream’s look and tone. In Tin Can Audio’s case, Twitch displays the chat in a transparent overlay of the shared screen. The audience can focus on one window, and the interface reduces multi-frame clutter. Twitch creates a cooperative atmosphere rather than a performance. Plus, Twitch has spam filtering and moderation tools that are especially useful for solo streamers.

Though Twitch may not be as widely known as YouTube or record video in high-definition like Riverside, it may be a more reliable video streaming platform. 

5. Facebook Live 

If you already have a Facebook account or page that: 

  • Is at least 60 days old
  • Has at least 100 followers

…then you can use Facebook Live. You can also podcast live using Facebook in a Group. However, it must be approved by a group administrator. The group’s privacy settings determine who can see your live podcast. 

Users can also schedule Live Events in Advance. Users start as if they plan to go live immediately, except instead of selecting “Create Live Video Event,” select “Create Event.” This creates two Facebook posts: the announcement and the (future) live video post. At the time and date you scheduled, Facebook displays the Live post in your profile, group, or page. 

If your podcast already has a Facebook page or group, and your audience uses Facebook, this could be a great option to do a live podcast. 

6. StreamYard 

This cloud-based streaming platform has a minimalist interface and prides itself on ease of use. Streamyard allows you to stream live to multiple platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This is a great platform for audiences who need efficiency. 

I’ve used Streamyard as a guest, and found the audio compressed and tinny. However, times change, and Streamyard can record audio at 1080p. So, even if your live podcast event sacrifices clarity for connection, your recordings won’t. 

The bare-bones minimalism makes Streamyard straightforward to use. Unlike YouTube Live or Facebook Live, you won’t find audiences surfing into your live podcast because an algorithm recommended it. And, unlike Twitch, Streamyard audiences won’t find links to others’ streams competing for their attention. If you want to do your podcast live for corporate audiences, with a no-frills interface that puts your message in the spotlight, Streamyard is your platform. 

7. Restream 

This streaming platform is the choice of companies as diverse as Linked In and American Idol. Like Streamyard, Restream’s efficiency makes it versatile. Restream can link your live podcast with over 30 social media or entertainment streaming platforms. And, Restream’s chat feature allows you to read and respond to audience messages all in one window, no matter where the messages originate.

Conclusion: Should You Do a Live Podcast?

By now, you may have thought, “I’m already comfortable with The PodTrak/YouTube Live/something else,” and figured podcasting live won’t cause a painful learning curve. Or, maybe you don’t feel like the juice is worth the squeeze.

Consider a “soft launch” of your live podcasting experience. Try producing a stand-alone meetup for your most devoted fans. Make it clear from the start that you’re trying something new, and the purpose is audience engagement and education. Except, don’t say it like that. Say something casual, like, “Let’s try a meetup to see how it goes.” Your audience will feel like they’re a trusted member of an exclusive club. Pretty swanky, huh?

Every time you try something new with your podcast, you learn more about your audience, your podcast’s topic, and yourself. When you do a live podcast, you fertilize your podcast’s garden.

Still on the fence? Why not join our Indiepod Community? You can discuss live podcasting with other independent podcasters and learn from their experiences. 

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