Thinkers360 is a full-service platform helping thought leaders of all levels build and amplify their personal brand and access a suite of monetization opportunities as an academic, advisor, analyst, author, consultant, entrepreneur, executive, influencer, and speaker.
Strong thought leadership content which gives customers unique ideas and insights which they can apply in their everyday work has considerable financial benefits. Some of the tangible as well as intangible benefits are highlighted in the following quotes:
“People are willing to pay the highest-profile leaders over 14 times that of the standard professional” – Hinge Research Institute
“Intangible capital will increasingly determine the fate and fortune of firms in today’s global value chains” – World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) DG Francis Gurry
In this article, we highlight some of the features available on the Thinkers360 platform to help thought leaders both build and amplify their personal thought leadership as well as monetize their expertise by way of our speaker bureau, advisor program, influencer program, VIP program and more.
According to Tom Koulopoulos, author of “Revealing the Invisible” and Thinkers360 member, “The great myth of the Internet is that if you have volumes of great content you don’t need to worry about creating a thought leadership brand. This is no truer for a thought leader brand than it is for a corporate brand. In many ways you must be that much more vigilant about how you present yourself to the market, prospects, and clients. My advice: craft, curate, and care for your brand as though it were your most important asset; because it is!”
Thinkers360 Thought Leadership Leaderboards
Participating in the Thinkers360 Leaderboards is a simple three-step process as follows:
Step 1: Set up your Thinkers360 Profile, Portfolio and Media Kit – Thinkers360 provides all members with a personal profile which includes their full portfolio of thought leadership content, awards, and recognition. This serves as your digital media kit and your full portfolio of content is visible in both your public and private profile. One click publishing and pre-tagging allows you to share any of your portfolio content items on social media with ease.
Expert Tip: We recommend personalizing your public profile URL such as this example from Brian Solis.
All Thinkers360 members gain social media amplification where we share your Thinkers360-curated content items on our social channels. We also share your content on our web site and in our weekly newsletter. Pro Plan members and above gain additional exposure in terms of amplification via our web site, newsletter, and social channels.
Step 2: Participate in the Thought Leadership Leaderboards – By adding your personally authored content, awards and recognition and tagging with up to three relevant keywords, you can participate in any of over 90 thought leadership leaderboards on a variety of cutting-edge business, technology, and sustainability topics. We publish both live and annual leaderboards and add new topics regularly.
Expert Tip: More than just a list, Thinkers360 leaderboards are differentiated by our unique patent-pending algorithms that take a holistic measure of thought leadership and authentic influence looking far beyond social media so brands can find exactly the right experts for their niche. Leaderboards are populated by both our free and paid members and there is no difference in how we calculate the rankings.
“Thinkers360 is a great platform for getting the word out about my writing and expertise as well as expanding my network of thought leaders. I particularly value the rankings and regular digest emails, as they bring me into contact with professionals, content and ideas I might otherwise have missed” – Kelly Barner, Managing Director, Buyers Meeting Point LLC
Step 3: Download your Digital Badging & Credentials – Thinkers360 digital award badges and credential pages are awarded to all members who gain a place within the Top 100 in any of our thought leadership leaderboards. You can download and display digital badges and credentials from the Awards & Badges page as well as post them to your LinkedIn Licenses & Certifications.
Expert Tip: See this article, Showcase your Expertise with Thinkers360 Digital Award Badges and Credentials, for step-by-step instructions on how to add your award badges and credentials to your LinkedIn licenses and certifications.
For an in-depth overview of all the features and benefits of the Thinkers360 platform, please visit the article “Using the Thinkers360 Platform to Build, Amplify and Monetize your Thought Leadership”
Questions & Answers
Who is included in the leaderboards?
Our listing includes members of Thinkers360 and who have curated and shared their thought leadership content – including articles, blogs, books, keynotes, media interviews, panels, podcasts, social media, speaking events, videos, webinars, and whitepapers – via our platform.
How can I recommend others who should be on the list?
Know others who should be on our leaderboards? Help us grow the Thinkers360 community by inviting them to participate (free) by sharing their own content today! We amplify your content for free!
How can I get on the leaderboards?
Simply Sign Up for Thinkers360 (free) and start building your profile, portfolio, and media kit. You can add personally authored content, awards and recognition and tag each content item with up to 3 relevant keywords that count towards the leaderboards.
How do you score the leaderboards?
Our differentiation from the various influencer leaderboards on social media, and other randomly-compiled lists on the web, is that our patent-pending algorithm takes a holistic view of thought leaders and experts, beyond their social media activity, and looks across all the hats they may wear – such as academic, author, consultant, entrepreneur, influencer, and speaker – and all the types of thought leadership content they produce.
Expert Tip: The Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm helps to produce leaderboards that look across all thought leader roles and across the quantity and quality of their thought leadership content. It provides a valuable measure of thought leadership content, encourages genuine content creation, incorporates social media influence as one of the measures, and encourages richer profiles and portfolios.
What makes Thinkers360 an authoritative measure of expertise?
Unlike social media leaderboards which can be gamed via the purchase of fake followers, spamming of hash-tags, and sharing of third-party content, the Thinkers360 leaderboards are based on member’s real content and accomplishments. Something that’s a true measure of expertise and hard to fake.
What specific criteria are used to select the top 50 thought leaders and influencers?
The Thinkers360 thought leadership leaderboards are by participation and everyone is invited to join by signing up at There is no difference in how we calculate the rankings between free and paid members.
The Thinkers360 leaderboards are based on member’s personally authored content and experience curated from around the web and added to their Thinkers360 profile, portfolio, and media kit.
Unlike social media leaderboards which can be gamed via the purchase of fake followers, spamming of hashtags, and sharing of third-party content, the Thinkers360 leaderboards are based on member’s real content and accomplishments. Something that’s a true measure of expertise and hard to fake.
How can I get on the Thinkers360 list in the future?
Simply Sign Up for Thinkers360 and start building your profile, portfolio, and media kit. You can add personally authored content, awards and recognition and tag each content item with up to 3 relevant keywords that count towards the leaderboards.
How can I recommend others who should be on the list?
Know others who should be on our leaderboards? Help us grow the Thinkers360 community by inviting them to participate by sharing their own content today! We amplify your content for free!
What are some other resources available to learn more?
Thinkers360 is an opt-in network of the world’s foremost B2B thought leaders — including academics, advisors, analysts, authors, consultants, executives, influencers, and speakers — with over 100M followers on social media combined.
To access resources from our members, simply Sign Up for Thinkers360 and visit our Content menu. There you can filter by any topic of interest from over 90 cutting-edge business, technology, and sustainability topics. You can also filter content by over 70 content types such as articles, blogs, books, keynotes, media interviews, panels, podcasts, social media, speaking events, videos, webinars, whitepapers, as well as awards, certifications, and many other professional positions, credentials, and achievements.
You can also view each thought leader’s content by going to their profile on Thinkers360, scrolling down to the “Publication” section, and then expanding to see all their content, awards, and recognition. This includes direct links to their content published around the web such as articles, blogs, books, podcasts and speaking.
Expert Tip: To work with any of our thought leaders, analysts and influencers simply join any of our enterprise plans.
Where can I view each Thinkers360 member’s content?
You can view each thought leader’s content by going to their public or private profile on Thinkers360, scrolling down to the “Publication” sections, and then expanding to see all their content, awards, and recognition. This includes direct links to their content published around the web such as articles, blogs, books, podcasts and speaking.
Where can I view content from all Thinkers360 members on a specific topic such as Sustainability?
Simply Sign Up for Thinkers360 and go to our Content menu. There you can filter by any topic of interest from over 90 cutting-edge business, technology, and sustainability topics. You can also filter content by over 70 content types such as articles, blogs, books, keynotes, media interviews, panels, podcasts, social media, speaking events, videos, webinars, whitepapers, as well as awards, certifications, and many other professional positions, credentials, and achievements.
Brands & Companies: Sign up to find and work with advisors, analysts, authors, influencers and speakers in your niche and to amplify your own executives, thought leaders, employee advocates and content among our opt-in community with over 100M followers on social media combined! We specialize in B2B strategic marketing, B2B analyst and influencer relations, and B2B thought leadership marketing putting your brand in front of active B2B buyers and influencers worldwide – Explore membership today!
Thought Leaders, Analysts & Influencers: To join the world’s largest opt-in B2B thought leader community and influencer marketplace, participate in our leaderboards, earn digital award badges and credentials, and curate, amplify and monetize your personal brand – Sign-up today!
Readers & Writers: To contribute your own content and to browse amazing content – including articles/blogs, books, interviews, podcasts and videos, from our opt-in B2B thought leader, analyst and influencer community – Join Thinkers360 today!
For more information about the Thinkers360 platform, visit, check out our Features & Benefits page, our Enterprise page, or contact us any time at
We look forward to highlighting your thought leadership on Thinkers360!