Jimmy Fallon Ruins Local Haunt
Jimmy Fallon Ruins Local Haunt
Pete's Tavern near Gramercy Park used to be the local joint of New York local joints, exactly the kind of place everyone wants in their neighborhood for a cold pint and warm banter. At least it was, until Jimmy Fallon decided to pimp it out.
Okay, that's an exaggeration. But still, in a new campaign for NYC & Co., the New York tourist organization, Fallon gives up Pete's address, 129 E. 18th Street, and advises people -- tourists?! -- "Tell them Jimmy sent you." So much for that.
Some edification is supplied by Julianne Moore, who in her spot suggests visitors always keep their baby carriages, and by Robert De Niro, who breaks down what TriBeCa stands for (Triangle Below Canal, if you must know).