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By Tomorrow.io
Jan 7, 2020· 2 min

Tomorrow.io Announces Collaboration With Google Cloud on Weather Forecasting With 5X Jump in Resolution, Starting in India



Tomorrow.io, a weather technology company based in Boston, announced today a strategic collaboration with Google Cloud to deliver free access to high fidelity weather forecasting models in geographies that currently lack such services. The models’ outputs will be made accessible through Google Cloud’s public dataset program. 

Tomorrow.io is committed to making critical data free and accessible, fostering innovation. Starting in India, Tomorrow.io’s models will be available to the general public, including developers, scientists and business users alike. 

The Tomorrow.io Bespoke Atmospheric Model (CBAM) feeds from its proprietary “Weather-of-Things”™ inputs, which add millions of new observations that have not been previously used for weather forecasting. From wireless signals to cars sensors, Tomorrow.io leverages the connected world to bridge the large sensing gap and to help improve forecasting anywhere in the world. 

Until today, the developing world had to rely on weather forecast generated by global models with course resolution and lower refresh time. Now with CBAM, Tomorrow.io and Google Cloud will bring high resolution and refresh time to levels exceeding mesoscale models in developed countries, beginning in India. CBAM India applications are of high impact and broad—from the ability to predict flood events to optimizing farmers and enterprise decisions. 

As the world’s first cloud-native Numerical Weather Prediction model, CBAM uses Google Cloud Platform to reach unprecedented scale and provide unprecedented flexibility. Google Cloud will contribute cloud resources to support the massive computational effort associated with running such a high performance model. 

CBAM India will be provided at 2km resolution and 15-minute timestep, and will provide a 48-hour forecast. This model will serve as the foundation for a new generation of environmental prediction models, such as floods, air quality and more. 

CBAM India will be available through the Google Cloud Public Datasets program under the name: Tomorrow.io – CBAM India Weather Forecasts. Tomorrow.io plans to provide free access to new CBAM domains in more geographies in the near future and to foster economic development and increase safety. 

Shimon Elkabetz, CEO and Co-Founder of Tomorrow.io: “For the first time in history, a private company is offering a full-blown operational numerical weather prediction model for an entire country, working continuously and providing high resolution forecasts for up to 48 hours ahead. Not only is it an historical milestone, we are providing it completely free of charge. We invite others to join us in making weather data free and accessible for everyone”. 

Learn more about CBAM and Tomorrow.io.


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