Samsung Tablet in August with Super AMOLED

The latest company to jump on the tablet bandwagon is rumored to be Samsung. Various sources are indicating that the company is working on a 7-inch device called S-Pad, and is slated for a launch sometime later this year, perhaps in August. But at the time of this report, Samsung has neither confirmed or denied the rumor.

As for the hardware specs, the S-Pad is believed to use Google's Android OS and will also feature a Super AMOLED display as used on the Samsung Waver and Samsung Galaxy S phones. The device is also said to offer 3G and Wi-Fi connections, USB ports, and access to Samsung Apps. The company is also said to be developing "high quality" applications that should compete with Apple's iPad.

Unwired View points out that Samsung already offers tablets including the just-released Samsung Mondi which features a full QWERTY keyboard, WiMax, HDMI TV Out, 4 GB of memory, and runs on Windows Mobile 6.1. The Mondi also sports a 4.3-inch touchscreen display, making it more phone-like in size than a tablet.

The Samsung S-Pad would have the upper hand if it too included an HDMI TV Out feature. For now, everything is speculation and word of mouth until the company offers up something official. Consumers may hear more about the tablet in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

  • fonzy
    The Super AMOLED is awesome and I am debating whether to get a Samsung Galaxy S when they go on sale.For the tablet though 7 inches is a bit small and they couldn't have come up with a better name (S-Pad?) HDMI and USB ports sound good but I guess it all depends on how much these are going to cost. 7 inch super Amoled probably won't be cheap.
  • beta tester
    What? Did that say Windows Mobile 6.1?

    Madness. That OS is dead. They should have used Android.
  • oldscotch
    You had me at Android OS.
  • Shadow703793
    beta testerWhat? Did that say Windows Mobile 6.1?Madness. That OS is dead. They should have used Android.Agreed. Or a stripped down version of Linux or hell perhaps even Windows Mobile 7.
  • djtronika
    Windows Mobile 6.1 + "high quality applications" = FAIL

    naming it the S-Pad = EPIC FAIL
  • Who cares about the name, and I'm sure homebrewers will adjust any OS shortcomings. Like someone said before, even if we enthusiasts are given a clean slate on an excellent hardware foundation, we will do the rest. I just hope it gets marketed, that's how Apple gets people hooked.
  • mman74
    I think 7" is a sweetspot. Anything smaller my phone can handle. Anything bigger and I may as well bring my Netbook.
    But Android I really like - and with Flash support in June, and lower OS licensing cost, and a AMOLED screen and oh yeah - I like the sound of this machine.
  • I expect the OS licensing cost will be the trade-off for that slick screen. And I agree with mman, 7" is my ideal tablet sweet spot.
  • back_by_demand
    How about just the hardware with a choice of OS
    If you want Windows mobile or Android you can have it
  • Zoonie
    AMOLED is not the same as the Sony touted OLED technology. AMOLED is pretty disappointing in comparison to be honest.

    And guys. The S-Pad is supposed to have Android OS. The WinMo 6.1 is for their other "tablet" called Mondi, with a 4.3" screen.