Report: Nvidia To Launch GK104-based GTX 660Ti in August

The GK104-based GTX 660Ti is apparently slated for an H1 August launch and debut with a suggested price of $299.

According to Wccf Tech, the new card will arrive with seven active SMX units, 1,344 processing cores and 1.5 GB memory. The clock speed will below the clock speed of the 670 card, but the performance will be, according to the site, above the GTX 580 and directly competing AMD Radeon 7800 cards.

Wccf Tech also noted that the GTX 660Ti will be Nvidia's last GK104 card and the company will be transitioning to the 700 series going forward. At a price of $299, the 660Ti makes a lot of sense below the $399 670 and the $499 680 cards.

  • Dangi
    Great news !! With this we can expect to see HD7800 series becoming cheaper as occured before with HD7900 series when GTX670 and GTX680 appeared
  • icemunk
    Woo hoo! Cheaper 7800s! I can't wait!
  • esrever
    wonder how many times they can cut that die down
  • vmem
    hmm, a pair of these should run like a dream for any single monitor needs. 7800 prices will finally drop a little. all in all good news :)

    wonder how the 700 series will match up to AMD's 8000 series. if the 700 series are indeed GK110 based, then the folks at AMD will have a much better handle on what it's performance might be like, hopefully they use this to their advantage
  • bawchicawawa
    hurry up... I want cheaper AMD prices and more cards to compare....
  • freggo
    Just building a new system, so maybe an ATI price cut coming soon? Would be perfect timing.
    Also, isn't there constantly something new or updated that gets followed by a price cut somewhere else ?

    God, I wish the car companies would do that too. I'd get myself an 'older' Mercedes convertible from the bargain bin :)
  • dudewitbow
    Skipping the gtx 650, now the release schedule for both sides next gen gpus are close at hand.
  • 17seconds
    No mention of the 650 Ti and 660 non-Ti also due to be released at the same time.
  • tmk221
    huh I guess there will be no 6xx series for mainstream and low end gamers
  • Derbixrace
    well im already glad i got a 670 for 339€ on sale but good that prices are coming down :)