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Top 10 Cities for Street Art In The World

Oct 18, 201911,778


  • 1.New York, USA
  • 2.Berlin, Germany
  • 3.Mexico City, Mexico
  • 4.Lisbon, Portugal
  • 5.Melbourne, Australia
  • 6.Melaka ( Malacca), Malaysia
  • 7.Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 8.Paris, France
  • 9.Bristol, United Kingdom
  • 10.Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Show More

As Allan Kaprow said, “Life happens on streets. Why wouldn’t art?”, acts of art and creativity happen every day. Once a punishable offense, Graffiti has now become a bona fide art form. It has become an increasingly popular, accepted, and a part of urban life in the 21st century. You will come across different styles of street art as you travel from country to country, city to city. Following is a list of 10 cities for street art around the world.

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New York has produced influential graffiti and street artists over the decades. It was born in New York City during the 1970s, a time when the city was bankrupt and wracked by crime. As a response to the chaos engulfing the city, young men and kids from Bronx and Brooklyn began bombing subway cars and buildings with graffiti tags. It was considered illegal and dangerous activity, but soon it spread around the world and found its way to New York galleries and museums. Street Art NYC thrives and is sanctioned by business owners, community groups, and even developers. From Basquiat to poster boy, you can explore each borough, and you will find hidden gems. Long Island City's 5' wall has over 200,000 square feet tagged by local and International painters. You can also find best street art in Bronx Wall of Fame on East 173rd Street, Manhattan's Bowery, and Victor Goldfeld's Ol Dirty Bastard memorial in Bed-Stuy. Some of the best street art found around the area are Hammer boy by Banksy, Big Pun Memorial Mural, The Audubon Mural Project, Bronx wall of fame, Bowery Graffiti Wall, The Bushwick Collective, Graffiti Hall of Fame, Johnson Avenue, World trade center, Hunts Point, North 6th street, Coney Art Walls, Crack is Wack, 100 Gates Project, etc.

Street Art in Berlin is everywhere narrating the story of torment and change this incredible town of Berlin has gone through. The Best street art is found in the stretches of the old Berlin Wall, Known as the east side gallery. To truly understand Europe of the 20th Century, the Berlin Wall a symbol of division where the iron curtain was a tangible divide. The construction of the Berlin Wall began on the 13th of August 1961, separating families and friends, completely dividing the city. It was the front line of the cold war. Today two small portions of the wall remain, left to remind the people, so much pain brought to the city. The largest section is situated near Warschauer Strasse Station, and it runs 1 km parallel to the river along Muhlenstasse. However, today, it's no longer a long bland concrete slab guarded by guns, but an artistic mural knows as the East Side Gallery.

Visiting the Berlin Wall is best done by taking a leisurely yet thought-provoking stroll that will take one half an hour or more considering how long they stop to appreciate the work done by the artist. Predictably, Much of the work is of the political nature, but the artists chose varied themes in creating the mural. The underlying one is that of the freedom, something the wall denied Berliners on both sides of the divide for three decades. A visit to the Berlin wall Mural is number one in the to-do-list of all the travelers, traveling to Berlin, which tells the tale of division better than any museum yet maintaining and uplifting, positive feelings of hope and freedom. Few of the famous Murals on the wall are Forced thumbs up, which symbolizes the secrets of life behind the iron curtain, The infamous Checkpoint Charlie which remembers it's history as the official border crossing between East and West Berlin although, in reality, only a select few had access to it. There's an area of grass in what used to be effectively 'no man's land' wherein anyone who tried to enter would have been greeted with bullets. Today travelers sit down and reflect at what is an eerily emotional spot.

Top 10  Cities for Street Art In The World

The capital of Mexico has often struggled to portray a positive reputation for itself and has never really been a big travel destination. However, you will find travelers traveling to Mexico City to check out its street art, which is all over the place. The evolution of the murals has gone from being local and static proposals to channel for the transmission of ideas at a global level. There are tours that you can take as one can easily get lost if you don't really know where to find the Murals and also get an opportunity to meet the city's prominent street artists. There are two types of tours available for visitors to choose from. One of them, being Art Walk/ Street Art Tour, began with the objective of promoting urban art in the city. It promotes coexistence, tourism, and culture. The scheduled tour starts at Alvaro Obregon at 11:30 am and costs 25 USD per individual. You can also opt for private tours provided by street art Chilango in which a recreation space is generated through an activity that takes visitors to new places to discover amazing art. These private walks adjust to the needs of the visitor with schedules, dates, and routes. The private tours are available on requests to the tour company. The cost of the tour is 25 USD, and a minimum of 4 people are required to take the tour.

The crumbling Portuguese capital is a fabulous location for street art with cobblestone streets and rustic buildings prime for adaptation. Lisbon has a huge number of abandoned buildings and factories which has been converted to art galleries, grungy night clubs or are just abandoned. Many of them are now covered with beautiful, enormous pieces of street art, and with the Portuguese government seemingly helpless to salvage the city of Lisbon, the underground artists have taken things into their own hands and have been successful in brightening up the decaying walls of Lisbon.

Melbourne, Australia's second most visited city by travelers for its best street art where street art is vibrant and celebrated, it is embraced and not erased. The government of the graffiti management plan carefully monitors it, reviews applications from new and established talented artists, dismantling illegal installation and commissioning pieces. It is not too tricky to find whole streets dedicated to phenomenal pieces of work within the city and also in the neighboring suburbs. You can spot state-approved works are done by Anthony Lister and Rone throughout Hosier and Caledonian Lanes in the Central Business District. You can also find Massive Street Art in Union Street and Bourke street. It's always fun to venture out on the streets in the city to find these artworks, but you can always head to the tourist point and hop onto a street art walking tour.

Top 10  Cities for Street Art In The World

Malacca was one of the top spots in Malaysia where street art craze took by a storm. Unlike the 3D Murals seen around the world, murals in Malacca have parts of real-life objects embedded in them and more diversified. A few of the main places with murals that you can visit our Lonong Seni Art House, The orangutan house, The boat, Eight running horses, Freedom of speech, Murals along the river, Ladies in costume, interactive mural lane, Girl looking up, etc. Lonong Seni Art House mural can be spotted easily when in Malacca's old town. Visitors often fail to understand this abstract artwork. Although, this colorful mural attracts a massive number of people over the weekends. The Orangutan House is a gallery that sells t-shirts. It has a huge Orangutan painted on its outer wall and is located just across Lorong Seni Art House. The Boat is a recent Chinese painting depicting workers carrying cargoes off a boat. To understand what it really means, one needs to decipher the poem written in Chinese. Eight running horses symbolize the seeking of success and fame. Freedom of speech is a painting which is self-explanatory. It is done by Charles Cham, the same artist who painted the Orangutan t-shirts. To Find Murals along the river, you have to simply follow the river from the Dutch Square to the Ferris wheel near the shore hotel. Further along the river and nearer to The Shore Hotel is another stretch of buildings with murals with the history of Melaka and its culture. Ladies in Costumes depicts a Chinese lady and a Malay lady in their traditional costumes. In the Old Town, along the alley off of Jalan Hang Kasturi, are several simple Murals. These are Interactive murals for visitors to pose with the artwork for photographs.

The largest city in South America is the continent's city for best street art with stiff competition from the neighboring countries. The chaotic industrial center has a thriving street art community attracting international artists such as urban hearts and Paris' C215. Sao Paulo has intriguing little districts that are worth going to both during the day and at night. The most popular place among the tourists is Vila Madalena, which has a bohemian village feel to it which makes one forget they are in a giant metropolitan city. Numerous Budget hotels have sprung up with Artwork on them, which attracts tourists to make a decent place to base themselves. Beco Do Batman is a beautiful collection of streets and alleys with fabulous Street art in the heart of Vila Madalena.

Top 10  Cities for Street Art In The World

Street Art in Paris is very original and diversified. Each Parisian artist has a unique style, and each creation by these artists tells you a different story. The most important artists of Paris street art are Mister Pee, who painted The free bird. He was greatly influenced by the Hip Hop movement at the age of 14. His sense of humor allows him to create most of his original works, and he shares with us the perspectives of life. Mister Pee has got two exhibits dedicated to his work at the Sin Glin Gling gallery in Paris and Adamastor Studios gallery in Lisbon. Seth, who painted the storyteller, he pulls his idea out of his mind and posts on Paris walls catching every pedestrian's attention. Each of his paintings tells us a little more about the city, and the neighborhood is what makes his work delicate and sophisticated. Hopare, the creator of the creative, is a Franco- Portuguese artist who believes that street art makes the artists feel free and are the best way to embellish grey streets.

The typical street art pattern of M. Chat is a drawing of s big stylized cat drawn on the roads of Paris. The funny stickers of Clet are all around Paris; he uses his sense of humor and makes fun of road signs. The most exotic birds in Paris by Birdy kids create a great contrast with the old beige stone buildings in le Marais. These are some of the many Street Art you will find in Paris.

Bristol is home to the world's famous street artist, Mercurial Banksy. Bristol tells a better story of how, in no time at all, street art has grown from something people frowned upon to something which is widely accepted in society. Street Art in Bristol has attracted many visitors over the years. You will find the streets with cutting edge pieces of graffiti art decorating the city's walls. Along narrow alleys, through under passages and down side streets, across building walls and boldly painted over bridges, a piece of graffiti art soon jumps out depicting humor and subversive displays of pop culture. For the cultural experience when visiting Bristol, the Bristol street art tour provides insights into the life and works of Banksy revealing stories behind the paintings and the culture that makes Bristol the graffiti capital of the United Kingdom. Bristol has a history of graffiti and street art that is unlike anywhere else. It is home to more than 200 street artists and graffiti writers. The guided walking tours last up to 2 hours, and they run all week long. Tickets for the tours are available on the company's website, or you can find it from the tourist information center on the Harbourside. Some of the best works of Banksy's include Central Bristol: Grim Reaper, which is painted on the side of the Thekla Social Boat moored in Bristol Harbour. In 2014, it was taken down to protect it from damages and is now displayed in Bristol's M Shed. Central Bristol: The Girl with the pierced Eardrum appeared on the side of a building in Albion Docks in Hanover Place. You can find it near to Bristol Marina near the clock tower and the nearby Burger Van. Just off Cheltenham Road in the car park of Montpelier Health Centre, you can find early works of Banksy and Inky Graffiti Collaboration. You can find cat and dog, Masked Gorilla in Easton, which are also early works of Banksy and is also a mecca for street art fans.

Top 10  Cities for Street Art In The World

A square in Colegiales is one of the first places in Buenos Aires to see a proliferation of graffiti, is full of amazing street art. You will find graffiti to massive murals by local artists Jaz and British artist Jim Vision that was painted as part of the meeting of styles festival in 2011. Centro Ministerio de Diseno is part of the city's government's design district and is filled with amazing street art. Most of the work was done as part of the second installation of the meeting of styles festival in 2012, and many more are coming up as part of the ongoing project in the area that works with local and international artists. Caminito is an area around La Boca's tourist center, which was one of the city's more recent street art events, the colorBA Festival, in which artists from all over the world like Argentina, Mexico, the Netherlands, the UK, and Ireland participated. Visitors, keep an eye out for a large mural of a man chopping up chorizo on the barbeque by a local artist Jaz and beautiful piece by a British street artist Ben Eine. If you go a bit further to the north of Buenos Aires, you will find Villa Urquiza a lesser-visited spot but well worth the trek. Here you can see huge murals painted by an Italian artist Blu who is considered a legend and painting from local artist Martin Ron. Mercado de las Pulgas is a flea market on the border of Palermo, and colegiales is a place for a variety of best street art. A lot of it leftover from the first meeting of the styles Festival, but there are newer artworks being added to it all the time by upcoming artists from Buenos Aires. It’s located just a few blocks from Plaza Matienzo so that you can visit both the places out at the same time.

Top 10  Cities for Street Art In The World

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