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1_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
2_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
3_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
4_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
5_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
1_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
2_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
3_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
4_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
5_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
1_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
2_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
3_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
4_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
5_Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time
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Memorial Complex to the Soldiers and Seamen Who Died in Peaceful Time

Мемориальный комплекс морякам, погибшим в мирное время
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Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-2 hours
Between Chelyuskintsev St And Prospekt Geroyev Severomortsev, Murmansk 183038 RussiaMap

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