Udaya Castle has been popularized by the film "Spy in the Disc 5" and has become a niche tourist punching place. In the film, A Tang brother's racing scene in the castle, directly from the castle steps to the sea, is here to take the scene.
Hassan II Mosque
Located just next to the beach, this mosque is big. The ornaments and interiors are beautiful with calm color tones. It is opened for public/visitors only in some certain times. In my case, I arrived at arround 4pm and waited til 5pm to be opened. To go inside the mosque, you have to wear proper clothes covering your body (for females). The staff here are nice and kind to foreigners, they explained nicely about the opening hours and the rules to go inside.
Hassan Tower
A beautiful historical site in the heart of modern Rabat, the capital of Morocco. The unfinished mosque, the tomb, the royal guards, recitation of Quran; overall is a wonderful experience that nobody should miss if they are visiting the area.
Mausoleum of Mohammed V
mousoleum of Mohammed V is based in Rabat. Capital of morocco
Royal Palace
Rabat is the capital of Morocco, so the royal palace of Morocco is in Rabat. When we visit Rabat, we can fully experience the long history and unique culture of Morocco. It is a very beautiful tourist attraction.
The ruins of Chela are the remains of the royal mausoleums of the ancient city of Chela during the Meyninid dynasty of Morocco. It is located near the royal palace and was reduced to ruins during the Lisbon earthquake in 1775. It is now overgrown with grass and has become a habitat for storks.
Site Archéologique de Volubilis
Vorubilis is a ancient Roman ruin known as the "Pharaoh's Palace", said to have been built by Egyptian Pharaohs in the time of Moses, and now can visit only an area of 800 x 600 square meters.
Bab El Mansour Laalej
Came here on March 4, 2019.
Meknes is one of the "Four Imperial Cities" of Morocco. It is called the "Black City". The ancient city of Meknes is also a world heritage site recognized by UNESCO. The great Sultan Moulay Ismail made this the capital during his reign, and the Mansur Gate was the last major construction project during the reign of the Sultan to commemorate his great achievements.
Moulay Ismail Sultan is the ancestor of the current Moroccan royal family and can be called "the greatest emperor in the history of Morocco". His gate is not only magnificent, but also very beautiful, containing many well-known decorative arts at that time. Therefore, this is definitely one of the must-see attractions in Morocco.
In front of the gate is an open square. There are many shops selling local handicrafts around the square, and tourists and local vendors are on the square.