蛇柱 位于君士坦丁堡赛马场 来自德尔斐阿波罗神庙的普拉提亚三脚祭坛 据载这座祭坛兴建于公元前5世纪 是为了庆祝希腊人在波斯战争的普拉提亚战役中战胜了波斯人 其顶端是由三个蛇头支持的金碗君士坦丁下令将其从德尔斐移到君士坦丁堡赛马场中间 现在蛇柱的大部分已被损毁 金碗和蛇头已不见其踪 只剩下了主体的躯干部分 呈麻花状 被一个铁栅栏围起来 经过说明跟脑补来设想其本来的样子D了个Y
The Serpent Column is located in Istanbul, Turkey. It is a historic bronze column, also known as the Delphi Tripod Altar. There were 3 snake heads on the top of the 8-meter high column, which existed until the end of the 17th century, and part of one of them is now on display at the nearby Istanbul Archaeological Museum.