Open Access Publication Fund of the Technische Universität Ilmenau

The Technische Universität Ilmenau aims to make research results available in accordance with the principles of Open Access wherever possible. The university has committed itself to this in 2014 with the "Declaration of the Technische Universität Ilmenau on open access to research results".

With its publication fund, the Technische Universität Ilmenau promotes the financing of publications in open access journals and edited volumes.


Basically, publications that meet the following requirements are eligible for funding:

  • "Submitting author" or "corresponding author" of the publication is a member or affiliate of the TU Ilmenau at the time of submission of the manuscript.
  • The research article appears in a journal or an edited volume whose contributions are fully open access. Qualified journals are usually listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • The publication is subject to strict quality assurance procedures recognized in the respective discipline ("peer review process").

Funding Procedure:

  • The Publication Fund bears article processing charges up to a maximum amount of 1,800 EUR incl. VAT. Any costs exceeding this amount must be covered by the authors themselves. Costs such as "color charges", "page charges" or fees for the "title page appearance" are not eligible for funding.
  • The application for financial support should be made before the manuscript is submitted to a journal and must be made at the latest after receipt of the acceptance notification. There will be no subsequent reimbursement of costs.
  • If a publication is funded the following notice will be added to the acknowledgements:
    "We acknowledge support for the publication costs by the Open Access Publication Fund of the Technische Universität Ilmenau."
  • If the publication costs exceed 1,800 EUR incl. VAT, a cost center of the TU Ilmenau must be indicated together with the funding application and a funding commitment from the financial management of the respective department or faculty must be submitted.

For the application, please use our PDF form. If the publication costs (incl. VAT) are foreseeably above 1,800 EUR, have the corresponding section of the form filled out and signed by the financial management of your department or faculty.

The University Library of the TU Ilmenau documents the supported publications in an online accessible publication list as well as in the University Bibliography of the TU Ilmenau. In addition, it ensures that the full text of the publication is posted in the repository Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen.

The Ilmenau University Library is happy to advise on all questions concerning Open Access in general and the application for the Open Access Publication Fund in particular.
