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Disney has found a real princess wedding and is making the most of it, using the nuptials of soon-to-be princess Kate to boost the Disney princess brand.

Visitors to can download a Kate Middleton paper doll and dress her up in Cinderella’s ball gown or Snow White’s signature yellow and blue. You’ll find instructions on hosting a party during the televised royal wedding, complete with a recipe for wedding fruitcake (the quick box cake version) and a template for a tiara (the paper kind, no diamonds).

The site also showcases Disney’s wedding dress line and a contest for couples. The winner gets a HappilyEverAfter wedding or chance to renew their vows during a four-night stay at Disney World. For a nation that threw off the monarchy a couple of hundred years ago, it seems we can’t get enough of princesses. — Maja Beckstrom

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