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Supreme Court of the United States

McConnell: Senate will vote this fall on replacement for Justice Kennedy on Supreme Court

Erin Kelly

WASHINGTON – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday that the Senate will vote this fall on President Trump's nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Kennedy announced Wednesday that he would retire on July 31, opening the door for Trump to nominate a second justice to the U.S. Supreme Court. Trump's first nominee, Neil Gorsuch, was confirmed by the Senate in April 2017 by a vote of 54-45.

The president told reporters Wednesday that the process to nominate a new justice will "begin immediately."

"The Senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent on President Trump's nominee to fill this vacancy," McConnell, R-Ky., said in a speech on the Senate floor. "We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy's successor this fall."

But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the Senate should not confirm a new justice until after the Nov. 6 congressional elections.

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Schumer reminded McConnell that Republicans would not allow the Senate to vote on former President Barack Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, in 2016 because GOP leaders said the new president should get to choose the justice after that year's election.

"People are just months away from determining the senators who should vote to confirm or reject the president's nominee," Schumer said on the Senate floor Wednesday. "Their voices deserve to be heard then. Anything but that would be the absolute height of hypocrisy."

However, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told reporters Wednesday that confirmations should only be delayed in a presidential election year.

"If you remember back in 2010, I believe it was, that we had a midterm election and (Justice Elena) Kagan was approved for the Supreme Court," Grassley said. "So I think that we’ve got plenty of precedent when to have appointments to the Supreme Court and when not to."

Schumer said the court vacancy is "the most important Supreme Court vacancy for this country in at least a generation."

"Nothing less than the fate of our health care system, reproductive rights for women, and countless other protections for middle-class Americans are at stake," he said.

McConnell said senators of both parties will have the chance to meet with the nominee and examine his or her qualifications. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a confirmation hearing, he said, followed by a vote on whether to recommend that the nominee be confirmed by the full Senate. 

Although Republicans are in the majority, Trump's nominee is not assured of confirmation. The GOP holds a slim 51-49 majority, and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is out undergoing treatment for brain cancer. That means that a defection by just one Republican could derail any nominee who does not have broad support.

Trump has indicated that he will likely choose a nominee from an existing list of candidates that he compiled before nominating Gorsuch.

"It is imperative that the president's nominee be considered fairly and not subjected to personal attacks," McConnell said. 

Grassley, who will oversee confirmation hearings, said he expects the president to nominate someone "soon."

"I encourage the President to choose a nominee with the credentials, intellect and commitment to the rule of law necessary to serve on the Supreme Court," Grassley said.

Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, the senior Democrat on the judiciary panel's constitution subcommittee, said she expects Trump's nominee to be "intent on carrying out the right-wing ideology of the president and his most extreme supporters."

"Donald Trump has vowed that the Supreme Court should always remain Republican," she said. "The Supreme Court should be above politics, qualified, and exercise fair and independent judgment. Should there be hearings, I will exercise my Constitutional duty to determine whether any nominee appointed will respect the law, the Constitution, and American values."

Both McConnell and Grassley praised Kennedy's service on the high court.

"For more than three decades, Justice Kennedy served with great distinction on the Supreme Court of the United States," Grassley said. "He helped chart the course of American jurisprudence, and made his mark as a staunch defender of First Amendment rights, especially the freedom of speech and religious liberty. He set an example of integrity and wisdom that I hope all jurists will emulate."


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