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Gayle King Reveals That She Went on a 5-Day Soup Fast to Fit Into a Dress: ‘The Results Are In’


If it works, it works! Gayle King took a unique approach to lose weight in a short period of time — and it paid off!

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On Tuesday, November 3, the CBS News anchor revealed via Instagram that she put herself on a soup-only diet to fit into a dress she was going to wear during election night coverage. She shared a side-by-side photo of herself standing on a scale, revealing that she went from 172.2 pounds down to 165 pounds.

“Update! Just completed [a] 5 day soup fast & the results are in!” she wrote. “Trying to get into [my] mustard yellow dress for Elex night coverage TONITE. [I’m] praying to sweet Black baby Jesus it now fits, that you VOTE & that there is PEACE.”

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King added, “PS plz withhold all negative comments about my jacked up feet. I’m well aware they are a hot mess, but not yet comfortable in a covid environment going to [the] nail salon … Bigger issues to worry about.”

Nearly two weeks earlier, the news personality opened up about her weight gain amid the coronavirus pandemic. “CRISIS! The weight struggle is real! [I’m] fatter than I’ve been in [a] long time & scared to get a pedicure (big sigh),” she wrote via Instagram on October 24, noting that her doctor says that her “ideal weight” is 163 pounds. “[That’s] not happening anytime soon … Blaming corona quarantine & Halloween candy corns I just bought! Make it stop!”

Gayle King Reveals That She Went on a 5-Day Soup Fast to Fit Into a Dress
Gayle King Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

King has been vocal about her weight struggles over the years. In 2016, she revealed that she dropped nearly 28 pounds by following the Weight Watchers program. She went from 184.5 pounds to 156.8 pounds.

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“‘It’s going down’ — to quote Kesha — ‘I’m yelling timber,’” she wrote via Instagram at the time, sharing a photo of her feet on a scale. “October 7, 163.6 and now 160.6. Went up for a hot minute, now back on track at Weight Watchers counting the points!”

That same year, King told her CBS This Morning colleagues that “it is hard to lose weight” once you experience menopause.

Earlier this year, King spoke with Elle about her wellness journey and how she works to stay in shape. “I try to figure out a way to get some kind of exercise. I’ve been reading this book about the joy of movement, and I do think there’s something to that,” she explained in March. “I’m not saying I like working out. I’m just saying I do it. I do the treadmill, I do the elliptical and I do weights. But I’m not going to sit here and say, ‘Oh, my God, I love it.’”

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