Letter from the Editor

‘Finish’ the job in Gaza


Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was denounced this week for being, among other things, a “genocidal racist,” a “Nazi,” a “vicious thuggette,” a “ghoul,” a “fascist,” and a “lunatic,” of being “criminally insane” and in hell.

Readers will not be surprised to hear that these unhinged accusations came from people who support the genocidal racists, thugs, ghouls, criminals, and fascists who constitute Hamas and have turned the Gaza Strip into a hell on earth for the past two decades. One hopes that they — the terrorists, not the unhinged accusers, despite justified contempt for the latter — are at last being extirpated by the good offices of the Israeli military.

On a visit to Israel, Haley wrote “Finish Them” on an Israeli artillery shell. This was disingenuously said to show that she supports the slaughter of civilians. The accusers were the usual suspects such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an Islamist front group; Amnesty International, the reflexively anti-Western agitators; John Cusack, the has-been Hollywood actor; and Cenk Uygur, a high-profile blowhard of the “progressive” Left.

They all want Israel to cease military operations in southern Gaza and thus leave terrorists in power who committed the genocidal murder of 1,200 Israelis last October. Given their preference for who should be in government, they might thus be described, in their own words, as “vicious ghouls.” In pursuit of a terrorist-pleasing ceasefire, they smear those who want terrorists removed from Israel’s doorstep. The smear in this case is to pretend that by “them” Haley means all Palestinians — that she hoped they’d be finished off as a people. Does anyone actually believe she supports the eradication of an entire people rather than only of their terrorist oppressors? Of course not.

Given that the international, intersectional Left lies relentlessly about Gaza, it is worthwhile repeating the facts. Israel is not stolen land. Palestinian Arabs were given most of the British mandate territory designated for division between them and the Jews. Gaza has not been occupied by Israel for a generation. Israel handed it over as a flourishing statelet with an attractive Mediterranean shoreline ripe for further economic development.

This was all squandered by the Islamic fascists of Hamas under orders from Iran’s despots desperate to prevent Arab rapprochement with Israel. There was a ceasefire before Oct. 7, but Hamas broke it to murder as many Israelis as possible. Unified and galvanized by this horror, Israelis reached the justified conclusion that Hamas must be destroyed, and they set about this grim and difficult task with their usual dispatch and impressive resilience.


They were immediately accused of being genocidal aggressors, a charge given flimsy support by Hamas’s practice of shielding fighters among civilians. International pressure grew for a ceasefire that left Hamas in power. Israel pressed on carefully, achieving a lower civilian-to-combatant kill ratio than any military before in such a combat zone. It has made some fatal mistakes, as is always the case in war, but has clearly tried to avoid killing innocents. It has abided by the rules of war, every one of which Hamas has broken.

Inscribing an Israeli artillery shell with the words “Finish Them” expresses support for the good guys, who are undertaking a good cause. 

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