Age no handicap: Trump-Biden presidential debate devolves into who is better golfer


The first presidential debate predictably had moments of tension between the two candidates that devolved into personal attacks, including one moment that had President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in a lengthy exchange over who is a better golfer.

The exchange began when CNN moderators asked the two candidates how they would quell voter concerns over their ages, pointing to Biden’s legacy as the oldest president in U.S. history at 81 years old. Trump brushed off concerns about his age, noting that he “aced” two cognitive tests while he was president and challenging Biden to do so the same.

Trump then expanded his attacks against Biden to target not only his mental acuity but also his physical fitness — namely, his golf game.

“I just won two club championships,” Trump said. “To do that, you have to be quite smart, and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. And I do it. He doesn’t do it. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”

Biden shot back, touting his golf handicap, which he said he managed to get “down to a six” when he was vice president — a claim that Trump called “the biggest lie.”

“I have seen your swing, I know your swing,” Trump said.

Biden said he would welcome a golf game against Trump, remarking he is “happy to play golf. If you carry your bag. If you can do it.”

The moment was one of several tense ones throughout the debate, which featured questions about both candidates’ ages and whether they would be able to serve another four years in office. Biden is 81, and if reelected, he would be 86 by the end of his second term.


Trump is 78, which would make him the second-oldest president in history if elected. He would be 82 by the end of his second term.

Republicans have especially used Biden’s age as a weapon throughout the 2024 cycle, targeting the president over his mental acuity and arguing he lacks the competency and stamina to take on Trump. GOP lawmakers were quick to seize on Biden’s performance during the first debate to take an early victory lap, declaring Trump the winner of the head-to-head contest.

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