US targets five facilities controlled by Iranian-backed militias in drone strikes


U.S. forces conducted strikes on five facilities in Iraq and Syria that were believed to be operated by Iranian-backed militias in the region.

This operation, which was announced by Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Jonathan Hoffman on Sunday, was the first combative effort against the militias who have been responsible for attacks on U.S. troops in recent weeks. The militia, Kata’ib Hezbollah, was given lethal aid from the Iranian government, which was used in attacks on an Iraqi base that killed an American contractor and injured four servicemen, according to the Defense Department.

Americans have been stationed in Iraq at the request of the Iraqi government to assist in the battle against ISIS. Several non-American members of the coalition have also been killed or injured in the attacks by Kata’ib Hezbollah.

The strikes, two of which were in Syria and three in Iraq, took out control centers and weapons storage facilities that have been key in the attacks on coalition bases.

The Defense Department warned that “additional defensive actions by U.S. forces” will take place if Kata’ib Hezbollah and Iran do not commence a ceasefire and honor the sovereignty of Iraq as a country.

“Iran and their KH proxy forces must cease their attacks on U.S. and coalition forces, and respect Iraq’s sovereignty, to prevent additional defensive actions by U.S. forces,” Hoffman stated.

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