DEI is the new religion for Fairfax County school board member Karl Frisch


DEI is the new religion for Fairfax County school board member Karl Frisch
DEI is the new religion for Fairfax County school board member Karl Frisch
LGBTQ awareness books
Helsinki, Finland – July 1, 2019: Shelf with LGBTQ awareness books at the Oodi Helsinki Central Library.

This month, Karl Frisch, who was reelected to
Fairfax County’s
school board in November,
his oath of office on a stack of LGBT books in lieu of a religious text.

The fact that Frisch swore his oath to uphold the Constitution on a stack of books littered with illustrations and stories of
child pornography and pedophilia
gives him the attention he seems to so desperately crave, but it makes a mockery out of his oath. Frisch has signaled to the Fairfax community that he holds himself accountable not to God, not to the constituents of the county, but narrowly to the
activist community.


Frisch and his colleagues take their duty to that fringe constituency very seriously and place it above all others. Indeed, Fairfax County’s incumbent school board members have arguably negated their duties to uphold our nation’s Constitution when they voted to compel speech by mandating preferred pronouns, which is arguably a violation of the First Amendment. Frisch and his colleagues further
the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause when they tried to limit the number of Asian American students via the revised admissions
to the county’s magnet school, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Given these violations, Frisch’s oath should mean nothing to his constituents, regardless of what book(s) he swears it on.

This most recent circus act regarding his oath wasn’t particularly surprising. Frisch approaches his commitment to pushing the LGBT agenda into Fairfax County’s public schools with religious fervor. The purpose of public schools should be to educate America’s children in the fundamentals to prepare them for the future. Frisch, however, never loses sight of his own aspirations for the district’s children — not simply inclusivity but
political grooming
. Even in the face of plummeting standardized test
and low proficiency rates in reading and math, too much of Frisch’s time and actions on the school board are allocated to
sexuality and gender identity politics into all aspects of K-12 public education.

Originally from California, Frisch was a relative newcomer to Fairfax County prior to running for a seat on the school board for the first time. He doesn’t have children or a background in education. His only connection to education appears to be that his partner is a Fairfax County public school teacher.

A central tenet to Frisch’s campaign for school board in both terms is that he is an
openly gay
man. It seems strange that the Fairfax Democratic Party would endorse a man in 2019 whose only stated qualification for school board is his sexuality. If money is the party’s metric for success, though, it made the right choice. As one of the top local fundraisers, Frisch has raised
in campaign funds since 2019. School board politics, as it appears, is sadly less about qualifications or concern for children’s education and more about sexuality, money, and supporting the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” cult above all else.

It seems abundantly clear that Frisch’s focus is not academic excellence for our county’s children. Rather, he has political aspirations that extend beyond the local school board and is leveraging the LGBT lobby to that end. Many parents speculate that he is using local office to draw attention and support in order to promote himself to a larger stage. In October 2022, he
in the Democratic caucus to Holly Seibold, a former teacher, for the party’s nomination to run in the January 2023 special election for the vacant District 35 state House seat. He failed at his attempted promotion to Virginia state office, so, to our detriment, Frisch ran again for Fairfax County’s school board.

Having won this term, Frisch has four more years on our school board to push age-inappropriate materials onto our children and, more importantly for him, to engage in political grandstanding and bask in the warmth of the resulting media attention as he plots his next political move.

The children of Fairfax County deserve more.


Stephanie Lundquist-Arora is a mother in Fairfax County, Virginia, an author, a member of the Coalition for TJ, and the Fairfax chapter leader of the Independent Women’s Network.

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