Children can be brainwashed into being pro-transgender: Study


Leave it to a group of psychologists to come up with a blueprint for turning the impressionable young minds of children into minds unquestionably supportive of gender ideology.

Such was the goal of a new study published by the British Psychological Society that assessed ways that children could be manipulated into adopting a disposition more favorable to transgenderism while “reducing belief in gender immutability.”

The entirely unsurprising results of the study showed that children 10 and under, and some as young as 5, were more likely to exhibit behaviors that were sympathetic to transgenderism, such as no longer believing that gender is an immutable characteristic.

“Children ages 5-6 and 9-10 years of age who viewed an illustrated video story about an actual transgender girl named Jazz differed from those in the no-video control condition, in several respects: they showed higher understanding of trans identities, were less likely to view gender as immutable and were less likely to judge that gender at birth would determine two specific gender-stereotyped properties (playing with a tea set vs. toy truck; liking to put on make-up vs. go fishing),” the study said.

Color me shocked. Children, especially at such young ages, are incredibly impressionable, and a visually appealing video with an overt message is obviously going to influence the way that they see the message portrayed in the video.

The goal of this insidious study was to offer anyone with access to children a blueprint for indoctrinating children to be more supportive of transgender ideology, or even encourage children to identify as transgender themselves.

If the studied issue was not evidence enough of the author’s intentions, the study is full of language that reads like it was written by the most ardent transgender activists. For example, the study defines “gender-essentialist beliefs” as “lay beliefs that gender is a category that is based in biology, composed of discrete and immutable identities and informative about the potential traits and preferences of those with a particular identity.”

“Lay beliefs” might be the laziest attempt to claim that the average person who believes that men and women are different is not sufficiently enlightened or qualified to declare such a thing. No, such silly ideas must be corrected by the properly credentialed expert class that wants children to become lifelong patients to the healthcare industry by undergoing life-changing procedures that alter the very physiology of entirely healthy bodies.


The elitist language of the study aside, the transgender movement’s obsession with children is easily the most evil aspect of its agenda. As the study makes clear, the goal of the movement is to brainwash as many impressionable young minds as possible into accepting the gender ideology line that gender and sex are malleable in order to ensure the movement’s longevity and expansion.

They are, in fact, coming for your children.

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