Trump goes over Biden’s head and ‘encourages’ states to defy him over ‘invasion’ at border


Former President Donald Trump threw his full support behind Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) in his dispute with President Joe Biden over the border crisis.

In an anticipated statement on Truth Social, Trump hailed Abbott’s decision to refuse to follow a Supreme Court ruling, which effectively said he must cede control over a part of the Mexico-Texas border to the Biden administration. Trump then went a step further and urged all states to follow Abbott’s example to stop an “invasion.”

“Instead of fighting to protect our Country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably, fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the Invasion continues unchecked,” the former president said. “In the face of this National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe, Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion.”

“We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border,” Trump continued. “All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

Trump concluded by laying out his plans to support Abbott in the event of his election as president.

“When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History. Those Biden has let in should not get comfortable because they will be going home,” he wrote.


Trump’s show of support comes alongside that of many Republicans, including the governors of nearly half the states in the country.

Two dozen governors issued a joint statement earlier in the day that accused the Biden administration of abandoning the public in the face of the border crisis and threw their support behind Abbott’s effort.

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