The ironies of commemorating ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ on Easter

After Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors co-opted Easter this year with Transgender Visibility Day, other local and state governments, and even the Biden administration, did the same.

Our elected officials did not need to issue commemorative proclamations for a made-up, 15-year-old holiday that they knew would offend many Christians on their holiest day. They could have let the day take place for the leftist worshippers of the DEI religion without trying to cast shadows on Easter. But part of the DEI religion is forcing everyone else to worship at their altar, think their thoughts, and say their words. To that end, politicians issued commemorative proclamations for Transgender Visibility Day because it fell on Easter.

This type of disregard and mockery is reserved specifically for Christians in this country.

Jeff McKay, chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, tried to justify the usurpation of Easter by saying that he planned to attend church on Easter. In an email, he wrote, “As a Catholic, I will be celebrating Easter with my family on Sunday and will take the opportunity to also celebrate all people, especially the most vulnerable in our community.”

Because McKay calls himself a Catholic, he implies that his Christian constituents should be fine with the proclamation. People such as McKay can stand in a garage and call themselves a truck, but that does not make them a truck. In fact, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the seventh archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. suggested that President Joe Biden is a “cafeteria Catholic,” pointing out that Biden “picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts.”

Although so-called Catholics such as Biden and McKay would like to legitimize their actions and hide behind their church attendance, their proclamation to commemorate Transgender Visibility Day on Easter is no less offensive to Christians because of it.

Make no mistake: Democratic politicians would have been much more cautious in issuing commemorative proclamations to celebrate a manufactured transgender holiday if it fell on an Islamic holy day. White liberals are terrified of being seen as culturally insensitive, which is why their cars are decorated with “Be Kind” magnets — because they hope you will believe they are kind and culturally sensitive. Whether or not they actually are seems to be irrelevant to them.

They also have a tenuous political alliance with American Muslims that fractures on LGBT matters. For that reason, if any transgender holiday fell on Eid, for example, the Biden administration would let it pass without comment.

Similarly, the Biden White House’s Easter message on social media was posted on both its Spanish and English accounts, but its message for Transgender Visibility Day four hours later was posted only in English. Clearly, the Biden administration was aware that co-opting Easter with a transgender holiday proclamation would do further damage to its relationship with Hispanic voters, many of whom are much more serious about their faith than Biden.

American Christians are appropriately shocked by the state-sanctioned takeover of Easter this year. Re-assigning Christian holidays, however, is part of the communist playbook. In this case, the DEI religion mandates that we worship at the altar of the state, not the church. This is not the first time that a government has tried to co-opt a Christian holy day, and it likely will not be the last.


In 1935, for example, the secular holiday “New Year’s Day” replaced Christmas in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin’s order. Rather than celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, citizens were told to celebrate the arrival of Father Frost. The government promoted gift-giving as a way to show gratitude to the state and promote loyalty to the communist regime. In effect, they banned Christmas and repurposed it with a secular day that was compatible with communist ideals.

Any hint of a step in that direction, such as our politicians commemorating Transgender Visibility Day on Easter, is a step too far.

Stephanie Lundquist-Arora is a contributor for the Washington Examiner, a mother in Fairfax County, an author, and the Fairfax chapter leader of the Independent Women’s Network.

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