Our News Philosophy

WBOY-TV’s vision is to be the No. 1 news resource for our viewers.

Our mission is to report about our state and surrounding communities fairly, accurately and completely with the best informed and most professional news staff.

As professional journalists, we will:

Assure fair and balanced coverage of all perspectives.

Focus on meaningful stories that have an impact on our viewers’ lives.

Seek background information and conduct research to present the most accurate and in-depth stories possible.

While examining the specific, offer a broader context.

Treat interviewees with respect.

Ask the tough, but fair question.

Report on what’s good about our community, as well as expose wrongs.

Expect to be held accountable for producing fair and accurate reports.

In fulfilling our public trust to observe and report the news, WBOY-TV hopes to improve the quality of life for all those people who call this area home.

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