You guys are saying that no significant changes but I am seeing many good ranking kw's to fell today.
Because of personalization, I believe static ranking was lost years ago. One person could see you in the #1 position on Google and the next person Google puts our site on page 2. Even when checking with multiple IP addresses across the USA, our #1 ranked keywords produce very little traffic because all the fluff above the fold. Google puts so much garbage at the top of the page, visitors get distracted and leave or click on something other than organic results. It's no wonder shoppers don't go to Google first to find products anymore. If anything, Google makes the matter worse by adding to the garbage pile of nonsense above the fold.
What I look at is total traffic, page views/bounce rate and conversions. Pageviews are a good indicator of traffic quality. Low pageviews ultimately means visitors have little interest. Right now we are seeing one page wonders from Google - very low pageviews and a high bounce rate. Conversions from Google are non-existent, which is expected because of the very low quality/poorly targeted traffic Google is sending. For us, Bing/Yahoo send higher quality/better matched traffic both prior to this update and to this moment. We will see how things play out later today and in the next couple of days. But I don't expect much. Even if we do well it won't equate to much since Google has polluted the SERPS with all the garbage above the fold.