Phobias Slideshow: What Are You Afraid Of?
Fear vs. Phobia
The Three Kinds of Phobia
Agoraphobia: Fear of Public Places
Social Phobia: Beyond Being Shy
Claustrophobia: Needing a Way Out
Zoophobia: A Menagerie of Fears
Brontophobia: Fear of Thunder
Acrophobia: Fear of Heights
Aerophobia: Afraid to Fly
Blood-Injection-Injury Phobias
Paranormal Fears
Emetophobia: A Gut Feeling
Carcinophobia: Fear of Cancer
Phobias From New to Old
Life-Altering Effects of Phobias
Phobias and Alcohol
A Family Connection
Treating Phobias
Learn More About Phobias
1) Purestock
2) age fotostock (inset: UpperCut Images, Workbook Stock, National Geographic)
3) Laurence Dutton / Photographer’s Choice
4) Halfdark
5) Jessica Abad de Gail / age footstock
6), Photographer's Choice, Flickr
7) Lyle Leduc / Workbook Stock
8) Sami Sarkis / Photographer's Choice
9) David De Lossy / Photodisc
10) Ludsam / Stock4B
11) Tim Flach / Stone, Image Source, The Image Bank
12) Digital Vision, Taxi
13) Stockbyte, Photographer’s Choice
14) StockFood Creative, Brand X Pictures, Jupiter Unlimited
15) Paul Edmondson / Stone
16) National Geographic
17) Carl Glover / Stone
18) Commercial Eye / Iconica
19) Marc Romanelli / Workbook Stock
American Psychiatric Association.
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.
McMaster University Anxiety Treatment and Research Center.
Merck Manual of Medical Information, Second Home Edition.
National Institute of Mental Health.
Phobia (Q) web site.
Richardson, P. and Holland, A. Evidence Based Mental Health, 2002.
Simple Phobias Guide web site.