Health & Diet Medical Reference
How Many Calories Should You Eat?
- Magnesium for Constipation: How to Use It So It Works
Magnesium for constipation comes in several forms. Learn the right dosage for each and how to use them safely and effectively.
- Acheta Powder (Cricket Flour)
Acheta powder is a protein-rich flour made from crickets, known for its high nutrients, sustainability, and use in smoothies, baked goods, and protein bars.
- Health Benefits of Licorice Root
Find out what nutrients are in licorice root and learn how it can help everything from cancer to ulcers.
- How to Lower Your Blood Sugar
To lower blood sugar quickly, drink water, exercise, eat fiber-rich foods, avoid sugary foods, and manage stress.
- Aceite MCT
El aceite MCT ha recibido mucha atención últimamente y se ha puesto de moda. ¿Deberías creer en la publicidad?
- Coenzima Q10 (CoQ10): ¿deberías tomar suplementos?
La coenzima Q10 (CoQ10) actúa como un antioxidante y se encuentra de forma natural en el cuerpo. ¿Deberías tomar un suplemento?
- Las propiedades saludables del musgo marino
Descubre qué nutrientes contiene el musgo marino y cómo ayuda con enfermedades como la de Parkinson, así como otras respuestas inmunitarias.
- Las propiedades beneficiosas del aceite de ricino
Descubre qué dice la investigación sobre el aceite de ricino, quién debería usarlo y cómo puede afectar tu salud
- El agua hidrogenada y sus propiedades beneficiosas
Descubre qué dice la investigación sobre el agua con hidrógeno, quiénes deberían evitarla y cómo puede afectar su salud.
- Alimentos ricos en potasio
Puedes mantener tus niveles saludables de presión arterial si comes alimentos ricos en potasio. Descubre qué alimentos contienen potasio y cuánto necesitas comer diariamente.
- Magnesio
¿Estás obteniendo suficiente magnesio en tu dieta? WebMD te explica la importancia de este mineral para tu corazón y la presión arterial, cuánta cantidad necesitas y sus efectos secundarios.
- Beneficios para la salud del colágeno
Descubre lo que dicen las investigaciones sobre el colágeno, quiénes deberían consumirlo y cómo puede afectar tu salud.
- What Is Annatto?
Annatto is a natural food coloring and flavoring derived from the seeds of the achiote tree, commonly used in cheese, butter, and snacks for its yellow to orange hue.
- Health Benefits of Fonio
Learn about how fonio, an ancient grain native to West Africa, can give your diet variety and a boost of whole-grain nutrition.
- Flexible Dieting: Everything You Need to Know
Flexible dieting allows you to eat with fewer limits. Learn more about how to count your macros, what foods are a part of this diet, and more.
- Carnivore Diet: Meal Plan, Food List, and What You Should Know
The carnivore diet is based mostly on red meat, chicken, eggs, and fish while excluding fruits and vegetables. Learn more about whether this diet is right for you.
- What Happens if Your B12 Deficiency Is Left Untreated?
If you ignore your B12 deficiency, it could lead to health issues -- some minor and some serious. Here’s what you need to know.
- What Can Cause a B12 Deficiency?
Most people have enough B12, but a deficiency can happen. Learn about the most common causes, from what you eat to other health conditions you have.
- Vitamin B12: What to Know
Vitamin B12 is essential for good health, but some people may not be getting enough. Learn about symptoms of B12 deficiency and how it can be treated.
- B12 Deficiency in Children: What to Know
Children need vitamin B12 to help their brains and bodies develop and grow. When they don’t get enough of the vitamin, they can feel weak and tired, and it can cause other health problems.
- Health Benefits of Loquat
Find out how loquat helps everything from cancer to diabetes.
- Eating Out With Hyperkalemia
If you have hyperkalemia, you may find it hard to manage your potassium when you eat out. Here are ways to dine successfully.
- General Guidelines to Lower Your Potassium Intake
Follow these simple tips to lower your potassium levels through your diet.
- Can These Popular Diets Lower Potassium?
Need to keep your potassium in check? Read on to see how these popular diets may (or may not) help.
- How Can You Eat Less Potassium?
If you have too much potassium in your blood, a few simple changes to your eating habits can help protect your health.
- Health Benefits of Wine Cap Mushrooms
Find out what health benefits you can get from wine cap mushrooms.
- Food Deserts: What to Know
Learn about these areas with limited access to nutritious and affordable foods, along with what causes them and what to do if you're affected.
- What Is Culinary Medicine?
Culinary medicine is a new field taught in some medical school programs. It looks at the ways we can use food as medicine. Learn more here.
- What to Know About Sea Vegetables
Learn about sea vegetables. Discover the types of edible seaweed and their associated health benefits.
- Cheddar Cheese: Are There Health Benefits?
Find out what the research says about cheddar cheese, who should avoid it, and how it may affect your health.
- What to Know About Ramen Noodles
Find out what ramen noodles are, how to make ramen noodles, and if they are healthy.
- What to Know About Absinthe
What is absinthe? Learn about absinthe effects, whether absinthe is legal and safe, and the history of absinthe.
- What to Know About Dietitians vs. Nutritionists
Find out what you need to know about dietitians vs. nutritionists, their educational qualifications, professional roles, and more.
- What to Know About Banana Spiders
There are several species of spiders that have earned the nickname "banana spiders." Learn what those are, what they look like, and which ones are venomous.
- What Is the 1200-Calorie Diet?
Learn what you need to know about the 1200-calorie diet, and find out if it’s a healthy and effective way to lose weight.
- Coconut Sugar: Are There Health Benefits?
Find out what the research says about coconut sugar, who should avoid it, and how it may affect your health.
- Cottage Cheese: Health Benefits and Nutrition
Find out what the research says about cottage cheese, who should avoid it, and how it may affect your health.
- What to Know About Pine Needle Tea
Learn about pine needle tea. Discover how it’s made and the health benefits that it can provide.
- What Are Genetically Modified Foods?
Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are bioengineered foods that contain genetically modified organisms (or GMOs). Why are scientists changing food, and is it safe?
- What Are Simple Sugars?
Simple sugars are the most basic types of sugar, and your body uses them for energy. Learn where simple sugars are found, how they are different from complex sugars, and the impact that both can have on your body.
- What Are Emulsifiers?
Is eating emulsified food good or bad for you? Read on to learn about the different emulsifiers and how they can impact your health.
- What Are Natural Preservatives?
Find out what you need to know about natural preservatives and how they may be better for your health.
- Is Stale Food Safe? How to Tell When Stale Food Is Safe to Eat
Stale food has lost some of its texture and taste, but is it safe to eat? Learn why food goes stale, if it's still safe, and how to prevent staleness.
- What Are Saskatoon Berries?
Saskatoon berries are edible berry-like fruits. Learn about their nutrition, health benefits, and more.
- Apple Cider: Are There Health Benefits?
Find out what the research says about apple, who should avoid it, and how it may affect your health.
- Benefits of Chicken of the Woods
Find out how more about chicken of the woods, its health benefits, and how to eat this mushroom.
- Steps to Changing Bad Eating Habits
Shift away from bad eating habits so you can reach your health goals. Here’s how to get started.
- Health Benefits of Shaggy Mane Mushroom
Find out what you need to know about shaggy mane mushrooms, including their benefits, downsides, and more.
- Health Benefits of Pheasant Back Mushroom
Find out how pheasant back mushroom can be beneficial for your health.