Talk to your health care providers about the 4Ms of age-friendly care. These essential aspects of your care interact and each M affects the other:
- What Matters –Share your goals and priorities
- Medication – Review all of the medications you take
- Mentation – Talk about your memory and mood
- Mobility – Ask about ways to help keep you active and moving
YOU are the expert on what matters for your health. Learn how to improve your health by talking with your doctor and other health care providers about…
What Matters:
As you age, your needs might change. It’s important for you to share your concerns, goals, wishes, needs and experiences with all of your health care providers.
- Tell your care team about the things that matter to you.
- Make a list of questions to ask at each health care visit.
- Talk with your family and providers about your wishes for care at the end of life.
You might take many medicines now, which can mean more side effects. Some drugs affect us in new ways as we age, too.
- Talk with your medical provider about any side effects that you experience.
- Ask your care team to assess how your medicines interact with each other.
- Tell your providers about any over-the-counter medicine or natural remedies you take.
Older adults are at risk for dementia (problems with thinking, memory, and reasoning), depression (ongoing sadness or loss of interest) and delirium (sudden confusion), but there are steps you can take to lower your risk.
- Tell your medical provider if you notice any changes in your memory or mood.
- Get screened for dementia and depression each year.
- If you become confused suddenly, get help right away. Sudden confusion (delirium) is a medical emergency.
It’s important to think about how to get around safely as we get older. Staying active helps you maintain your health and independence.
- Talk with your care providers about how you get around at home or go from place to place. Tell them about what’s working and what’s not.
- Ask about how you can improve strength, flexibility, and balance.
- Check your home for objects you can trip on or missing handrails that can cause falls. These safety problems are easy to fix.
For more resources on age-friendly care, visit