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What Your Breath May Say About Your Health
Gum Disease
Acid Reflux
H. Pylori
Respiratory Infections
Tonsil Stones
Liver Failure
Kidney Failure
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American College of Cardiology: “Bad or Changed Breath.”
Canadian Society of Intestinal Research: “H. pylori and Halitosis.” Cleveland Clinic: “Are Troublesome Tonsil Stones Causing Your Bad Breath?”
Mayo Clinic: “Is acid reflux the same as GERD?” “Diabetic ketoacidosis,” “Tuesday Q and A: Self-care steps may help prevent tonsil stones from returning,” “Bad breath: Symptoms and causes.”
Medical News Today: “Bad Breath (Halitosis): Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.”
National Institutes of Health: “Lactose Intolerance,” “Oral and salivary changes among renal patients undergoing hemodialysis: A cross-sectional study,” “Beyond the stomach: An updated view of Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment,” “Oral malodour (halitosis),” “Salt water mouthwash post extraction reduced post operative complications,” “GC-MS analysis of breath odor compounds in liver patients,” “Oral manifestations of HIV.”
National Sleep Foundation: “Take a breath of fresh air—without sending your bedmate running—with these top tips.”